TB is a Python module of Tight-Binding models. TB builds up and solves finite tight-binding models with complex-valued onsite energies and complex-valued hoppings.
TB is composed of:
- latticeTB
- eigTB
- plotTB
- propTB
Main features of TB:
Written in fully vectorized Numpy.
Easy lattice shape modification.
Easy implementation of next neighbors hoppings, next next neighbors hoppings, etc..
Time evolution (linear and non-linear)
Easy implementation of magnetic field.
Easy implementation of strain.
Easy implementation of defects:
- hopping disorder.
- onsite disorder.
- vacancy defects.
- impurity defects (local change of hopping values).
- dimerization defects (change of hopping patterns).
Please send comments or suggestions for improvement to cpoli83 at hotmail dot fr