Zero modes ================ These examples illustrate the conditions to get a zero-mode, its properties, and how to amplify it. .. note:: Throughout the examples, the A sublattice displays a positive imaginary onsite energy (amplification) and the sublattice B a negative imaginary onsite energy (absorption) such than :math:`\bar{\epsilon}_a=-\bar{\epsilon}_b`. The chain is composed of :math:`n+1` sites A and :math:`n` sites B, starts and ends with an A site. The odd number of sites breaks the sublattice symmetry (one extra A site) resulting in the existence of a zero-mode fully polarized on the A sublattice: :math:`\langle A|A \rangle=1`, :math:`\langle B|B \rangle=0`, and energie :math:`\Im(\epsilon_a)`. .. image:: ../TBfig/chain_n21/lattice_t(2+0j)_ea0,2j_eb-0,2j.png :height: 80px :width: 100% :align: center Identical hoppings ------------------------------------------ .. code-block:: python from chainTB import * # lattice tags = [b'a', b'b'] ri = [[0, 0], [1, 0]] nx = 10 chain_tb = latticeTB(tags=tags, ri=ri, nor=2, ang=0.) chain_tb.get_lattice(nx=nx, ny=1) chain_tb.remove_sites([19]) # solve eigenvalue problem t = 2. eig_chain = eigChain(lat=chain_tb) eig_chain.set_hop([t]) eig_chain.get_ham() eig_chain.get_eig(eigenvec=True) zero_mode = eig_chain.get_state_pola(b'a') # plots plot_chain = plotChain(sys=eig_chain) fig_dispersion = plot_chain.plt_dispersion(t) fig_lattice = plot_chain.plt_lattice(ms=15, fs=20, figsize=(10, 2.8)) fig_spec = plot_chain.plt_spec(ms=20, pola_tag=b'a') fig_zero_mode = plot_chain.plt_intensity1d(zero_mode, ms=20) #propagation prop_chain = propTB(lat=chain_tb, steps=1400, dz=0.05) psi_init = np.ones(eig_chain.sites) / np.sqrt(eig_chain.sites) prop_chain.get_prop(ham=eig_chain.ham, psi_init=psi_init, norm=True) fig_prop = prop_chain.plt_prop1d() # save figures save_chain = saveFigTB(sys=eig_chain, params={'t': t}, dir_name='chain', ext='png') save_chain.save_fig(fig_lattice, 'lattice') save_chain.save_fig(fig_dispersion, 'dispersion') save_chain.save_fig(fig_spec, 'spec') save_chain.save_fig(fig_zero_mode, 'zero_mode') save_chain.save_fig(fig_prop, 'prop') .. image:: ../TBfig/chain_n21/dispersion_t(2+0j)_ea0,2j_eb-0,2j.png :width: 45% .. image:: ../TBfig/chain_n21/spec_t(2+0j)_ea0,2j_eb-0,2j.png :width: 45% .. image:: ../TBfig/chain_n21/zero_mode_t(2+0j)_ea0,2j_eb-0,2j.png :width: 45% .. image:: ../TBfig/chain_n21/prop_t(2+0j)_ea0,2j_eb-0,2j.png :width: 45% The infinite chain can be viewed as an insulator in the condensed-matter language (no gap between the negative and positive energies). Below the PT-symmetry breaking, the spectrum displays the particle-hole symmetry. In the finite case, there is an extented zero mode uniformly distributed on the A sites is found. Identical hoppings with an impurity -------------------------------------------------------- The impurity is modeled by changing two adjacent hoppings of a given site. .. image:: ../TBfig/chain_n21/lat_hop_imp_t(2+0j)_ea0,1j_eb-0,1j.png :height: 80px :width: 100% :align: center .. code-block:: python from chainTB import * # lattice tags = [b'a', b'b'] ri = [[0, 0], [1, 0]] nx = 11 chain_tb = latticeTB(tags=tags, ri=ri, nor=2, ang=0.) chain_tb.get_lattice(nx=nx, ny=1) chain_tb.remove_sites([21]) # solve eigenvalue problem eig_chain = eigChain(lat=chain_tb) on = [.1j, -.1j] eig_chain.set_onsite(on=on) t = 2. eig_chain.set_hop_alt([2., 2.]) eig_chain.set_hop_def([[9, 10] ,[10, 11]], [1., 1.]) eig_chain.get_ham(compl_trans=True) eig_chain.get_eig(eigenvec=True) zero_mode = eig_chain.get_state_pola(b'a') # plots plot_chain = plotChain(sys=eig_chain) fig_lat_hop = plot_chain.plt_chain_hop(ms=15, fs=20) fig_spec = plot_chain.plt_spec(ms=20, pola_tag=b'a') fig_zero_mode = plot_chain.plt_intensity1d(zero_mode, ms=20) #propagation prop_chain = propTB(lat=chain_tb, steps=1400, dz=0.1) psi_init = np.zeros(eig_chain.sites) psi_init[eig_chain.sites//2] = 1. prop_chain.get_prop(ham=eig_chain.ham, psi_init=psi_init, norm=True) fig_prop = prop_chain.plt_prop1d() # save figures save_chain = saveFigTB(sys=eig_chain, params={'t': t}, dir_name='chain', ext='png') save_chain.save_fig(fig_lat_hop, 'lat_hop_imp') save_chain.save_fig(fig_spec, 'spec_imp') save_chain.save_fig(fig_zero_mode, 'zero_mode_imp') save_chain.save_fig(fig_prop, 'prop_imp') .. image:: ../TBfig/chain_n21/spec_imp_t(2+0j)_ea0,1j_eb-0,1j.png :width: 45% .. image:: ../TBfig/chain_n21/zero_mode_imp_t(2+0j)_ea0,1j_eb-0,1j.png :width: 45% .. image:: ../TBfig/chain_n21/prop_imp_t(2+0j)_ea0,1j_eb-0,1j.png :align: center :width: 65% The zero mode is an extended state with maximal amplitude on the impurity site. Alternating hoppings -------------------------------------------------------- The infinite chain can be viewed as an isolator in the condensed-matter language (gap between the negative and positive energies). As in the identical hoppings case, the spectrum (blue dots) displays the particle-hole symmetry, the eigenenergies can be written as :math:`\pm |E_n|`. .. image:: ../TBfig/chain_n21/lat_hop_ta(2+0j)_tb(1+0j)_ea0,2j_eb-0,2j.png :height: 80px :width: 100% :align: center .. code-block:: python from chainTB import * # lattice tags = [b'a', b'b'] ri = [[0, 0], [1, 0]] nx = 11 chain_tb = latticeTB(tags=tags, ri=ri, nor=2, ang=0.) chain_tb.get_lattice(nx=nx, ny=1) chain_tb.remove_sites([21]) # solve eigenvalue problem eig_chain = eigChain(lat=chain_tb) on = [.2j, -.2j] eig_chain.set_onsite(on=on) ta, tb = 2., 1. eig_chain.set_hop_alt([2., 1.]) eig_chain.get_ham(compl_trans=True) eig_chain.get_eig(eigenvec=True) zero_mode = eig_chain.get_state_pola(b'a') # plots plot_chain = plotChain(sys=eig_chain) fig_lat_hop = plot_chain.plt_chain_hop(ms=15, fs=20) fig_spec = plot_chain.plt_spec(ms=20, pola_tag=b'a') fig_zero_mode = plot_chain.plt_intensity1d(zero_mode, ms=20) #propagation prop_chain = propTB(lat=chain_tb, steps=1400, dz=0.1) psi_init = np.ones(eig_chain.sites) / np.sqrt(eig_chain.sites) prop_chain.get_prop(ham=eig_chain.ham, psi_init=psi_init, norm=True) fig_prop = prop_chain.plt_prop1d() # save figures from collections import OrderedDict save_chain = saveFigTB(sys=eig_chain, params=OrderedDict([('ta', ta), ('tb', tb)]), dir_name='chain', ext='png') save_chain.save_fig(fig_lat_hop, 'lat_hop') save_chain.save_fig(fig_spec, 'spec') save_chain.save_fig(fig_zero_mode, 'zero_mode') save_chain.save_fig(fig_prop, 'prop') .. image:: ../TBfig/chain_n21/spec_ta(2+0j)_tb(1+0j)_ea0,2j_eb-0,2j.png :width: 45% .. image:: ../TBfig/chain_n21/zero_mode_ta(2+0j)_tb(1+0j)_ea0,2j_eb-0,2j.png :width: 45% .. image:: ../TBfig/chain_n21/prop_ta(2+0j)_tb(1+0j)_ea0,2j_eb-0,2j.png :align: center :width: 65% The zero-mode is exponentially localized at one edge of the chain (the edge terminating with a weak coupling). The zero-mode is known as a Shockley state. Dimerization defect ---------------------------- Without disorder ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. image:: ../TBfig/chain_n21/lat_hop_dim_ta(2+0j)_tb(1+0j)_ea0,2j_eb-0,2j.png :height: 80px :width: 100% :align: center .. code-block:: python from chainTB import * # lattice tags = [b'a', b'b'] ri = [[0, 0], [1, 0]] nx = 11 chain_tb = latticeTB(tags=tags, ri=ri, nor=2, ang=0.) chain_tb.get_lattice(nx=nx, ny=1) chain_tb.remove_sites([21]) # solve eigenvalue problem eig_chain = eigChain(lat=chain_tb) on = [.2j, -.2j] eig_chain.set_onsite(on=on) ta, tb = 2., 1. eig_chain.set_hop_alt([2., 1.]) eig_chain.set_dim_defect(nx-1) eig_chain.get_ham(compl_trans=True) eig_chain.get_eig(eigenvec=True) zero_mode = eig_chain.get_state_pola(b'a') # plots plot_chain = plotChain(sys=eig_chain) fig_lat_hop = plot_chain.plt_chain_hop(ms=15, fs=20) fig_spec = plot_chain.plt_spec(ms=20, pola_tag=b'a') fig_zero_mode = plot_chain.plt_intensity1d(zero_mode, ms=20) #propagation prop_chain = propTB(lat=chain_tb, steps=1400, dz=0.1) psi_init = np.ones(eig_chain.sites) / np.sqrt(eig_chain.sites) prop_chain.get_prop(ham=eig_chain.ham, psi_init=psi_init, norm=True) fig_prop = prop_chain.plt_prop1d() # save figures from collections import OrderedDict save_chain = saveFigTB(sys=eig_chain, params=OrderedDict([('ta', ta), ('tb', tb)]), dir_name='chain', ext='png') save_chain.save_fig(fig_lat_hop, 'lat_hop_dim') save_chain.save_fig(fig_spec, 'spec_dim') save_chain.save_fig(fig_zero_mode, 'zero_mode_dim') save_chain.save_fig(fig_prop, 'prop_dim') .. image:: ../TBfig/chain_n21/spec_dim_ea0,2j_eb-0,2j_ta(2+0j)_tb(1+0j).png :width: 45% .. image:: ../TBfig/chain_n21/zero_mode_dim_ea0,2j_eb-0,2j_ta(2+0j)_tb(1+0j).png :width: 45% .. image:: ../TBfig/chain_n21/prop_dim_ea0,2j_eb-0,2j_ta(2+0j)_tb(1+0j).png :align: center :width: 65% A defect in the dimerization creates a zero-mode localized at the defect. with disorder ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. image:: ../TBfig/chain_n21/lat_hop_dim_ta(2+0j)_tb(1+0j)_ea0,2j_eb-0,2j_d_h_0,95.png :height: 80px :width: 100% :align: center .. code-block:: python from chainTB import * # lattice tags = [b'a', b'b'] ri = [[0, 0], [1, 0]] nx = 11 chain_tb = latticeTB(tags=tags, ri=ri, nor=2, ang=0.) chain_tb.get_lattice(nx=nx, ny=1) chain_tb.remove_sites([21]) # solve eigenvalue problem eig_chain = eigChain(lat=chain_tb) on = [.2j, -.2j] eig_chain.set_onsite(on=on) ta, tb = 2., 1. eig_chain.set_hop_alt([2., 1.]) eig_chain.set_dim_defect(nx-1) alpha = .95 eig_chain.set_disorder(alpha=alpha) eig_chain.get_ham(compl_trans=True) eig_chain.get_eig(eigenvec=True) zero_mode = eig_chain.get_state_pola(b'a') # plots plot_chain = plotChain(sys=eig_chain) fig_lat_hop = plot_chain.plt_chain_hop(ms=15, fs=20) fig_spec = plot_chain.plt_spec(ms=20, pola_tag=b'a') fig_zero_mode = plot_chain.plt_intensity1d(zero_mode, ms=20) #propagation prop_chain = propTB(lat=chain_tb, steps=1400, dz=0.1) psi_init = np.ones(eig_chain.sites) / np.sqrt(eig_chain.sites) prop_chain.get_prop(ham=eig_chain.ham, psi_init=psi_init, norm=True) fig_prop = prop_chain.plt_prop1d() # save figures from collections import OrderedDict save_chain = saveFigTB(sys=eig_chain, params=OrderedDict([('ta', ta), ('tb', tb), ('alpha', alpha)]), dir_name='chain', ext='png') save_chain.save_fig(fig_lat_hop, 'lat_hop_dim') save_chain.save_fig(fig_spec, 'spec_dim') save_chain.save_fig(fig_zero_mode, 'zero_mode_dim') save_chain.save_fig(fig_prop, 'prop_dim') .. image:: ../TBfig/chain_n21/spec_dim_ta(2+0j)_tb(1+0j)_ea0,2j_eb-0,2j_d_h_0,95.png :width: 45% .. image:: ../TBfig/chain_n21/zero_mode_dim_ta(2+0j)_tb(1+0j)_ea0,2j_eb-0,2j_d_h_0,95.png :width: 45% .. image:: ../TBfig/chain_n21/prop_dim_ta(2+0j)_tb(1+0j)_ea0,2j_eb-0,2j_d_h_0,95.png :align: center :width: 65% The zero-mode is robust to disorder and in the gap i.e. the zero-mode is topologically protected. It has been first discover by Jackiw and Rebbin in field theory and few years later by Su, Schrieffer, and Heeger in condensed-matter. Adiabatic pumping ---------------------------- Change of hopping configuation continuously. Visit three different hopping configurations: .. code-block:: python from chainTB import * # lattice tags = [b'a', b'b'] ri = [[0, 0], [1, 0]] nx = 11 chain_tb = latticeTB(tags=tags, ri=ri, nor=2, ang=0.) chain_tb.get_lattice(nx=nx, ny=1) chain_tb.remove_sites([21]) # solve eigenvalue problem eig_chain = eigChain(lat=chain_tb) on = [.2j, -.2j] eig_chain.set_onsite(on=on) ta, tb = 2.5, 1. eig_chain.set_hop_alt([2., 1.]) eig_chain.set_dim_defect(16) eig_chain.get_ham(compl_trans=True) ham1 = np.copy(eig_chain.ham) eig_chain.set_hop_alt([2., 1.]) eig_chain.set_dim_defect(4) eig_chain.get_ham(compl_trans=True) ham2 = np.copy(eig_chain.ham) eig_chain.set_hop_alt([2., 1.]) eig_chain.set_dim_defect(10) eig_chain.get_ham(compl_trans=True) ham3 = np.copy(eig_chain.ham) hams = np.array([ham1, ham2, ham2, ham3, ham3]) #propagation prop_chain = propTB(lat=chain_tb, steps=1000, dz=0.2) psi_init = np.zeros(eig_chain.sites) psi_init[16] = 0.5 prop_chain.get_pump(hams=hams, psi_init=psi_init) fig_pump = prop_chain.plt_prop1d() # save figures from collections import OrderedDict save_chain = saveFigTB(sys=eig_chain, params=OrderedDict([('ta', ta), ('tb', tb), ('pump', 3)]), dir_name='chain', ext='png') save_chain.save_fig(fig_pump, 'pumping') .. image:: ../TBfig/chain_n21/pumping_ta(2,5+0j)_tb(1+0j)_ea0,1j_eb-0,1j.png :width: 90% :align: center