Tight-Binding Lieb


liebTB is a module providing a Python implementation of a face centered square lattice within the tight-binding framework. It can be used to build up and solve tight-binding models with complex valued onsite energies and/or hoppings. As such, this package can be used to analyze the concepts of Parity-Time symmetry, Parity-Time symmetry breaking, zero-modes, and topologically protection.

The lattice is defined by:

  • three sublattices named A, B and C. The unit cell is given by:
  • four hoppings:

    • In the x direction: the intradimer coupling t_{ab} which links the A sites to the B sites, and the interdimer hopping t_{ba} which links the B sites to the A sites.
    • In the y direction: the intradimer coupling t_{ac} which links the A sites to the B sites, and the interdimer hopping t_{ca} which links the C sites to the A sites.

liebTB can

  • obtain the spectrum (eigenenergies of the tight-binding Hamiltonian) and the probability densities of the states of the system (absolute value squared eigenvectors of the Hamiltonian).
  • obtain the polarization of the A sublattice (the sum of the probability densities of the A sites)
  • select states by introducing a condition on the A sublattice polarization (revealing zero modes and/or localized states).
  • test the robustness to disorder by implementing hopping disorder.
  • get the time evolution of the field (using the Crank-Nicolson method).
  • get the time evolution of the field with adiabatic pumping (smooth variation of the hoppings).


liebTB is available at https://github.com/cpoli/TB

To use liebTB, you need to install the programming language python and three additional packages:

  • python 3.x
  • numpy
  • scipy
  • matplotlib

See https://cpoli.github.io/python-doc.html for details, and the TB module https://github.com/cpoli/TB:

  • latticeTB
  • eigTB
  • plotTB
  • propTB


Please send comments or suggestions for improvement to cpoli83 at hotmail dot fr