Source code for chainTB

    The **chainTB** module models a one-dimensional tight-binding dimer chain
    with real and/or complex valued hoppings and onsite energies.
    **chainTB** is available at

from latticeTB import *
from plotTB import *
from eigTB import *
from propTB import *
from math import pi

[docs]class eigChain(eigTB): ''' Child of the class **eigTB**. Dedicated to chains along :math:`x`. ''' def __init__(self, lat): eigTB.__init__(self, lat)
[docs] def set_hop_alt(self, ho): ''' Set chain alternating hoppings. :param ta: Hopping :math:`t_{ab}`. :param tb: Default value 0. Hopping :math:`t_{ba}`. If tb=0, t_{ba}=t_{ab} ''' bonds = self.sites - 1 pos_x = self.coor['x'] dif_x = pos_x.reshape(self.sites, 1) - pos_x ind = np.argwhere(dif_x == - 1) hop = np.zeros(bonds, dtype={'names':['i', 'j', 't', 'tag'], 'formats':['i4','i4','c16', 'S2']}) hop['i'][:] = ind[:, 0] hop['j'][:] = ind[:, 1] hop['t'][0::2] = ho[0] hop['t'][1::2] = ho[1] hop['tag'][0::2] = 'ab' hop['tag'][1::2] = 'ba' self.hop = hop
[docs] def set_dim_defect(self, dim): ''' Set dimerization defects. :param dim: Array. Indices of the dimerization defects. ''' if not self.hop['t'].any(): raise Exception('\n\nRun method get_hop() first.\n') dim = np.array([dim]) for d in dim: t1 = self.hop['t'][d] t2 = self.hop['t'][d-1] self.hop['t'][d::2] = t2 self.hop['t'][d+1::2] = t1 t1 = self.hop['t'][d-1] t2 = self.hop['t'][d]
[docs] def get_params(self): ''' Set parameters used to store figures. :param on: Array. Sublattices onsite energies. ''' return {'d_h': self.alpha, 'd_o': self.alpha_on}
[docs]class plotChain(plotTB): ''' Child of class **plotTB**. Dedicated to Graphene. ''' def __init__(self, sys): plotTB.__init__(self, sys)
[docs] def plt_dispersion(self, ta, tb=0., lw=5, fs=20): ''' Plot infinite chain dispersion relation. :param ta: Hopping :math:`t_{ab}`. :param tb: Default value 0. Hopping :math:`t_{ba}`. :param lw: Default value 5. Linewidth. :param fs: Default value 20. Fontsize. ''' if tb == 0: tb = ta k = np.linspace(-pi, pi, 100) e = np.sqrt(ta **2 + tb **2 + 2 * ta * tb * np.cos(k)) fig, ax = plt.subplots() plt.xlim([-pi, pi]) plt.ylim([-(ta+tb+.2), ta+tb+.2]) ax.set_xticklabels(['$\pi$', '$\pi/2$', '$0$', '$\pi/2$', '$\pi$'], fontsize=2*fs/3) ax.set_xticks([-pi, -pi/2, 0, pi/2, pi]) plt.plot(k, e, 'b', lw=lw, label='coducting band') plt.plot(k, -e, 'r', lw=lw, label='valence band') plt.xlabel('$k$', fontsize=fs) plt.ylabel('$E(k)$', fontsize=fs) plt.title('$E(k)$', fontsize=fs) plt.legend(loc='center') plt.draw() return fig
[docs] def plt_chain_hop(self, ms=20, fs=20): ''' Plot chain in hopping space. :param ms: Default value 20. Markersize. :param fs: Default value 20. Font size. ''' coor_hop = np.zeros(self.sys.sites, {'names':['x', 'y', 'tag'], 'formats':['f8', 'f8', 'S1']}) coor_hop['x'][1:] = np.cumsum(self.sys.hop['t'][:self.sys.sites-1]).real coor_hop['tag'] = self.sys.coor['tag'] fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(10, 2.8)) plt.title('Lattice in hopping space', fontsize=fs) for t, c in zip(self.sys.tags, self.colors): plt.plot(coor_hop['x'][coor_hop['tag'] == t], coor_hop['y'][coor_hop['tag'] == t], 'o', color=c, ms=ms, markeredgecolor='none') plt.xlim([np.min(coor_hop['x'])-1.5, np.max(coor_hop['x'])+1.5]) plt.ylim([np.min(coor_hop['y'])-1.5, np.max(coor_hop['y'])+1.5]) plt.xticks([]) plt.yticks([]) plt.draw() return fig