Source code for tbee.lattice

import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import tbee.error_handling as error_handling

PI = np.pi


[docs]class lattice(): r''' Build up 1D or 2D lattice. Lattice is defined by the discrete operation: .. math:: \mathbf{R} = n_1\mathbf{a}_1 + n_2\mathbf{a}_2 where :math:`\mathbf{a}_1` and :math:`\mathbf{a}_2` are the two primitive vectors and :math:`n_1` and :math:`n_2` are the number of unit cells along :math:`\mathbf{a}_1` and :math:`\mathbf{a}_2`. :param unit_cell: List of dictionaries. One dictionary per site within the unit cell. Each dictionary has two keys: * 'tag', Binary Char. label of the associated sublattice. * 'r0', Tuple. Position. :param prim_vec: List of tuples. Define the primitive vectors. List of one/two tuples for 1D/2D respectively: * Tuple, cartesian coordinate of the primitive vector :math:`\mathbf{a}_1`. * Tuple, cartesian coordinate of the primitive vector :math:`\mathbf{a}_2`. Example usage:: # Line-Centered Square lattice unit_cell = [{'tag': b'a', r0=(0., 0.)}, {'tag': b'a', r0=(0., 1.)}] prim_vec = [(0, 2), (2, 0)] lat = lattice(unit_cell=unit_cell, prim_vec=prim_vec) ''' def __init__(self, unit_cell, prim_vec): error_handling.unit_cell(unit_cell) error_handling.prim_vec(prim_vec) self.unit_cell = unit_cell self.prim_vec = prim_vec self.tags = np.unique(np.array([dic['tag'] for dic in self.unit_cell])) self.n1, self.n2 = 0, 0 self.coor = np.array([], dtype=[('x', 'f8'), ('y', 'f8'), ('tag', 'S1')]) self.sites = 0
[docs] def get_lattice(self, n1, n2=1): ''' Get the lattice positions. :param n1: Positive Integer. Number of unit cells along :math:`\mathbf{a}_1`. :param n2: Positive Integer. Default value 1. Number of unit cells along :math:`\mathbf{a}_2`. Example usage:: # Line-Centered Square lattice unit_cell = [{'tag': b'a', r0=(0., 0.)}, {'tag': b'a', r0=(0., 1.)}] prim_vec = [(0, 2), (2, 0)] lat = lattice(unit_cell=unit_cell, prim_vec=prim_vec) lat.get_lattice(n1=4, n2=5) ''' error_handling.get_lattice(self.prim_vec, n1, n2) sites_uc = len(self.unit_cell) sites_tag = n1*n2 self.sites = sites_uc * sites_tag self.coor = np.empty(self.sites, dtype=[('x', 'f8'), ('y', 'f8'), ('tag', 'S1')]) self.n1, self.n2 = n1, n2 x = self.prim_vec[0][0] * np.arange(n1, dtype='f8') y = self.prim_vec[0][1] * np.arange(n1, dtype='f8') xx = np.empty(n1*n2) yy = np.empty(n1*n2) xx[:n1] = x yy[:n1] = y for i in range(1, n2): xx[i*n1: (i+1)*n1] = x + i * self.prim_vec[1][0] yy[i*n1: (i+1)*n1] = y + i * self.prim_vec[1][1] for i, dic in enumerate(self.unit_cell): self.coor['x'][i*sites_tag: (i+1)*sites_tag] = xx + dic['r0'][0] self.coor['y'][i*sites_tag: (i+1)*sites_tag] = yy + dic['r0'][1] self.coor['tag'][i*sites_tag: (i+1)*sites_tag] = dic['tag'] self.coor = np.sort(self.coor, order=('y', 'x'))
[docs] def add_sites(self, coor): ''' Add sites. :param coor: Structured array with keys: {'x', 'y', 'tag'}. Example usage:: # Square lattice unit_cell = [{'tag': b'a', r0=(0., 0.)}] prim_vec = [(0, 1), (1, 0)] lat = lattice(unit_cell=unit_cell, prim_vec=prim_vec) lat.get_lattice(n1=2, n2=2) coor = np.array([(-1., -1, b'b'), (-2., -2, b'c')], dtype=[('x', 'f8'), ('y', 'f8'), ('tag', 'S1')]) lat.add_sites(coor) ''' error_handling.coor(coor) self.coor = np.concatenate([self.coor, coor]) self.sites += len(coor) self.tags = np.unique(np.concatenate([self.tags, coor['tag']]))
[docs] def remove_sites(self, index): ''' Remove sites defined by their indices (use method lattice.plot(plt_index=True) to get access to the site indices). :param index: List. Site indices to be removed. Example usage:: # Square lattice unit_cell = [{'tag': b'a', r0=(0., 0.)}] prim_vec = [(0, 1), (1, 0)] lat = lattice(unit_cell=unit_cell, prim_vec=prim_vec) lat.get_lattice(n1=2, n2=2) lat.remove_sites([0, 2]) ''' error_handling.empty_coor(self.coor) error_handling.remove_sites(index, self.sites) mask = np.ones(self.sites, bool) mask[index] = False self.coor = self.coor[mask] self.sites = self.coor.size
[docs] def remove_dangling(self): ''' Remove dangling sites (sites connected with just another site). ''' error_handling.empty_coor(self.coor) while True: dif_x = self.coor['x'] - self.coor['x'].reshape(self.sites, 1) dif_y = self.coor['y'] - self.coor['y'].reshape(self.sites, 1) dis = np.sqrt(dif_x ** 2 + dif_y ** 2) dis_unique = np.unique(dis) len_hop = dis_unique[1] ind = np.argwhere(np.isclose(dis, len_hop)) dang = [] for i in range(self.sites): if (ind[:, 0] == i).sum() == 1: dang.append(i) self.coor = np.delete(self.coor, dang, axis=0) self.sites -= len(dang) if dang == []: break
[docs] def shift_x(self, shift): ''' Shift the x coordinates. :param shift: Real number. Shift value. ''' error_handling.empty_coor(self.coor) error_handling.real_number(shift, 'shift') self.coor['x'] += shift
[docs] def shift_y(self, shift): ''' Shift by *delta_x* the x coordinates. :param shift: Real number. Shift value. ''' error_handling.empty_coor(self.coor) error_handling.real_number(shift, 'shift') self.coor['y'] += shift
[docs] def change_sign_x(self): ''' Change x coordinates sign. ''' error_handling.empty_coor(self.coor) self.coor['x'] *= -1
[docs] def change_sign_y(self): ''' Change y coordinates sign. ''' error_handling.empty_coor(self.coor) self.coor['y'] *= -1
[docs] def boundary_line(self, cx, cy, co): ''' Select sites according to :math:`c_yy+c_xx > c_0`. :param cx: Real number. cx value. :param cy: Real number. cy value. :param co: Real number. co value. ''' error_handling.empty_coor(self.coor) error_handling.real_number(cx, 'cx') error_handling.real_number(cy, 'cy') error_handling.real_number(co, 'co') self.coor = self.coor[cy * self.coor['y'] + cx * self.coor['x'] > co] self.sites = len(self.coor)
[docs] def ellipse_in(self, rx, ry, x0, y0): ''' Select sites according to .. math:: (x-x_0)^2/a^2+(y-y_0)^2/b^2 < 1\, . :param list_hop: List of Dictionary (see set_hopping definition). :param rx: Positive Real number. Radius along :math:`x`. :param ry: Positive Real number. Radius along :math:`y`. :param x0: Real number. :math:`x` center. :param y0: Real number. :math:`y` center. ''' error_handling.empty_coor(self.coor) error_handling.positive_real(rx, 'rx') error_handling.positive_real(ry, 'ry') error_handling.real_number(x0, 'x0') error_handling.real_number(y0, 'y0') self.coor = self.coor[(self.coor['x'] -x0) ** 2 / rx ** 2 + \ (self.coor['y'] -y0) ** 2 / ry ** 2 < 1.] self.sites = len(self.coor)
[docs] def ellipse_out(self, rx, ry, x0, y0): ''' Select sites according to .. math:: (x-x_0)^2/a^2+(y-y_0)^2/b^2 > 1\, . :param list_hop: List of Dictionary (see set_hopping definition). :param rx: Positive Real number. Radius along :math:`x`. :param ry: Positive Real number. Radius along :math:`y`. :param x0: Real number. :math:`x` center. :param y0: Real number. :math:`y` center. ''' error_handling.empty_coor(self.coor) error_handling.positive_real(rx, 'rx') error_handling.positive_real(ry, 'ry') error_handling.real_number(x0, 'x0') error_handling.real_number(y0, 'y0') self.coor = self.coor[(self.coor['x'] -x0) ** 2 / rx ** 2 + \ (self.coor['y'] -y0) ** 2 / ry ** 2 > 1.] self.sites = len(self.coor)
[docs] def center(self): ''' Fix the center of mass of the lattice at (0, 0). ''' error_handling.empty_coor(self.coor) self.coor['x'] -= np.mean(self.coor['x']) self.coor['y'] -= np.mean(self.coor['y'])
[docs] def rotation(self, theta): r''' Rotate the lattice structure by the angle :math:`\theta`. :param theta: Rotation angle in degrees. ''' error_handling.empty_coor(self.coor) error_handling.real_number(theta, 'theta') theta *= PI / 360 for dic in self.unit_cell: x = self.coor['x'] - dic['r0'][0] y = self.coor['y'] - dic['r0'][1] self.coor['x'] = x * np.cos(theta) - y * np.sin(theta) + dic['r0'][0] self.coor['y'] = y * np.cos(theta) + x* np.sin(theta) + dic['r0'][1]
[docs] def clean_coor(self): ''' Keep only the sites with different coordinates. ''' error_handling.empty_coor(self.coor) coor = self.coor[['x', 'y']].copy() coor['x'], coor['y'] = self.coor['x'].round(4), self.coor['y'].round(4) _, idx = np.unique(coor, return_index=True) self.coor = self.coor[idx] self.sites = len(self.coor)
def __add__(self, other): ''' Overloading operator +. ''' error_handling.empty_coor(self.coor) error_handling.empty_coor(other.coor) coor = np.concatenate([self.coor, other.coor]) tags = np.concatenate([self.tags, other.tags]) lat = lattice(unit_cell=self.unit_cell, prim_vec=self.prim_vec) lat.add_sites(coor) lat.sites = self.sites + other.sites lat.tags = np.unique(tags) return lat def __iadd__(self, other): ''' Overloading operator +=. ''' error_handling.empty_coor(self.coor) error_handling.empty_coor(other.coor) self.coor = np.concatenate([self.coor, other.coor]) self.sites += other.sites self.tags = np.unique([self.tags, other.tags]) return self def __sub__(self, other): ''' Overloading operator -. .. note:: The tags are not considered in the lattice subtraction. ''' error_handling.empty_coor(self.coor) error_handling.empty_coor(other.coor) tags = np.unique([self.tags, other.tags]) boo = np.zeros(self.sites, bool) for i, c in enumerate(other.coor): boo += np.isclose(c['x'], self.coor['x']) & np.isclose(c['y'], self.coor['y']) coor = self.coor[np.logical_not(boo)] lat = lattice(unit_cell=self.unit_cell, prim_vec=self.prim_vec) lat.add_sites(coor) lat.sites = len(lat.coor) lat.tags = self.tags return lat def __isub__(self, other): ''' Overloading operator -=. .. note:: The tags are not considered in the lattice subtraction. ''' error_handling.empty_coor(self.coor) error_handling.empty_coor(other.coor) ind_remove = [] boo = np.zeros(self.sites, bool) for i, c in enumerate(other.coor): boo += np.isclose(c['x'], self.coor['x']) & np.isclose(c['y'], self.coor['y']) self.coor = self.coor[np.logical_not(boo)] self.sites = sum(np.logical_not(boo)) return self
[docs] def plot(self, ms=20, fs=20, plt_index=False, axis=False, figsize=None): ''' Plot lattice in hopping space. :param ms: Positive number. Default value 20. Markersize. :param fs: Positve number. Default value 20. Fontsize. :param plt_index: Boolean. Default value False. Plot site labels. :param axis: Boolean. Default value False. Plot axis. :param figsize: Tuple. Default value None. Figsize. :returns: * **fig** -- Figure. ''' error_handling.empty_coor(self.coor) error_handling.positive_real(ms, 'ms') error_handling.positive_real(fs, 'fs') error_handling.boolean(plt_index, 'plt_index') error_handling.boolean(axis, 'axis') if figsize is None: figsize = (5, 5) error_handling.list_tuple_2elem(figsize, 'figsize') error_handling.positive_real(figsize[0], 'figsize[0]') error_handling.positive_real(figsize[1], 'figsize[1]') fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=figsize) # plot sites colors = ['b', 'r', 'g', 'y', 'm', 'k'] for color, tag in zip(colors, self.tags): plt.plot(self.coor['x'][self.coor['tag'] == tag], self.coor['y'][self.coor['tag'] == tag], 'o', color=color, ms=ms, markeredgecolor='none') ax.set_aspect('equal') ax.set_xlim([np.min(self.coor['x'])-1., np.max(self.coor['x'])+1.]) ax.set_ylim([np.min(self.coor['y'])-1., np.max(self.coor['y'])+1.]) if not axis: ax.axis('off') # plot indices if plt_index: indices = ['{}'.format(i) for i in range(self.sites)] for l, x, y in zip(indices, self.coor['x'], self.coor['y']): plt.annotate(l, xy=(x, y), xytext=(0, 0), textcoords='offset points', ha='right', va='bottom', size=fs) plt.draw() return fig
[docs] def show(self): """ Emulate Matplotlib method """