Source code for tbee.plot

import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from mpl_toolkits.mplot3d import Axes3D
from matplotlib.legend_handler import HandlerLine2D
import tbee.error_handling as error_handling
import os


[docs]class plot: ''' Plot the results of the classes **lattice** or **system**. :param sys: class instance **system**. :param colors: Default value None. Color plot. ''' def __init__(self, sys, colors=None): error_handling.sys(sys) self.sys = sys if colors is None: self.colors = ['b', 'r', 'g', 'y', 'm', 'k'] else: self.colors = colors
[docs] def plt_hopping(self, coor, hop, c): ''' Private method called by *lattice_generic*. ''' for i in range(len(hop)): plt.plot([coor['x'][hop['i'][i]], coor['x'][hop['j'][i]]], [coor['y'][hop['i'][i]], coor['y'][hop['j'][i]]], 'k', lw=c*hop['t'][i].real)
[docs] def lattice_generic(self, coor, ms, lw, c, fs, axis, plt_hop, plt_hop_low, plt_index, figsize): ''' Private method called by *lattice* and *lattice_hop*. ''' error_handling.positive_real(ms, 'ms') error_handling.positive_real(lw, 'lw') error_handling.positive_real(c, 'c') error_handling.positive_real(fs, 'fs') error_handling.boolean(axis, 'axis') error_handling.boolean(plt_hop, 'plt_hop') error_handling.boolean(plt_hop_low, 'plt_hop_low') error_handling.boolean(plt_index, 'plt_index') error_handling.tuple_2elem(figsize, 'figsize') fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=figsize) # hoppings if plt_hop: error_handling.empty_ndarray(self.sys.hop, 'sys.hop') self.plt_hopping(coor, self.sys.hop[self.sys.hop['ang']>=0], c) if plt_hop_low: error_handling.empty_ndarray(self.sys.hop, 'sys.hop') self.plt_hopping(coor, self.sys.hop[self.sys.hop['ang']<0], c) # plot sites for color, tag in zip(self.colors, plt.plot(coor['x'][coor['tag'] == tag], coor['y'][coor['tag'] == tag], 'o', color=color, ms=ms, markeredgecolor='none') ax.set_aspect('equal') ax.set_xlim([np.min(coor['x'])-1., np.max(coor['x'])+1.]) ax.set_ylim([np.min(coor['y'])-1., np.max(coor['y'])+1.]) if not axis: ax.axis('off') # plot indices if plt_index: indices = ['{}'.format(i) for i in range(] for l, x, y in zip(indices, coor['x'], coor['y']): plt.annotate(l, xy=(x, y), xytext=(0, 0), textcoords='offset points', ha='right', va='bottom', size=fs) plt.draw() return fig
[docs] def lattice(self, ms=20, lw=5., c=3., fs=20, axis=False, plt_hop=False, plt_hop_low=False, plt_index=False, figsize=None): ''' Plot lattice. :param ms: Positive number. Default value 20. Markersize. :param c: Positive number. Default value 3. Coefficient. Hopping linewidths given by c*hop['t']. :param fs: Positive number. Default value 20. Fontsize. :param plt_hop: Boolean. Default value False. Plot hoppings. :param plt_hop_low: Boolean. Default value False. Plot hoppings diagonal low. :param plt_index: Boolean. Default value False. Plot site labels. :param axis: Boolean. Default value False. Plot axis. :param figsize: Tuple. Default value None. Figure size. :returns: * **fig** -- Figure. ''' error_handling.empty_ndarray(, 'lat.get_lattice') return self.lattice_generic(, ms, lw, c, fs, axis, plt_hop, plt_hop_low, plt_index, figsize)
[docs] def lattice_hop(self, ms=20, lw=5, c=3., fs=20, axis=False, plt_hop=False, plt_hop_low=False, plt_index=False, figsize=None): ''' Plot lattice in hopping space. :param ms: Positive Float. Default value 20. Markersize. :param c: Positive Float. Default value 3. Coefficient. Hopping linewidths given by c*hop['t']. :param fs: Positive Float. Default value 20. Fontsize. :param axis: Boolean. Default value False. Plot axis. :param plt_hop: Boolean. Default value False. Plot hoppings. :param plt_index: Boolean. Default value False. Plot site labels. :param figsize: Tuple. Default value None. Figure size. :returns: * **fig** -- Figure. ''' error_handling.empty_ndarray(self.sys.coor_hop, 'sys.get_coor_hop') return self.lattice_generic(self.sys.coor_hop, ms, lw, c, fs, axis, plt_hop, plt_hop_low, plt_index, figsize)
[docs] def spectrum_hist(self, nbr_bins=61, fs=20, lims=None): """ Plot the spectrum. :param nbr_bins: Default value 101. Number of bins of the histogram. :param lims: List, lims[0] energy min, lims[1] energy max. """ error_handling.empty_ndarray(self.sys.en, 'sys.get_eig') error_handling.positive_real(nbr_bins, 'nbr_bins') error_handling.lims(lims) fig, ax = plt.subplots() if lims is None: en_max = np.max(self.sys.en.real) ind_en = np.ones(, bool) ax.set_ylim([-en_max, en_max]) else: ind_en = np.argwhere((self.sys.en > lims[0]) & (self.sys.en < lims[1])) ind_en = np.ravel(ind_en) ax.set_xlim(lims) en = self.sys.en[ind_en] n, bins, patches = plt.hist(en, bins=nbr_bins, color='b', alpha=0.8) ax.set_title('Spectrum', fontsize=fs) ax.set_xlabel('$E$', fontsize=fs) ax.set_ylabel('number of states', fontsize=fs) ax.set_ylim([0, np.max(n)+1]) for label in ax.xaxis.get_majorticklabels(): label.set_fontsize(fs) for label in ax.yaxis.get_majorticklabels(): label.set_fontsize(fs)
[docs] def spectrum(self, ms=10, fs=20, lims=None, tag_pola=None, ipr=None, peterman=None): ''' Plot spectrum (eigenenergies real part (blue circles), and sublattice polarization if *pola* not empty (red circles). :param ms: Default value 10. Markersize. :param fs: Default value 20. Fontsize. :param lims: List, lims[0] energy min, lims[1] energy max. :param tag_pola: Default value None. Binary char. Tag of the sublattice. :param ipr: Default value None. If True plot the Inverse Partitipation Ration. :param petermann: Default value None. If True plot the Petermann factor. :returns: * **fig** -- Figure. ''' error_handling.empty_ndarray(self.sys.en, 'sys.get_eig') error_handling.positive_real(ms, 'ms') error_handling.positive_real(fs, 'fs') error_handling.lims(lims) fig, ax1 = plt.subplots() ax1 = plt.gca() x = np.arange( if lims is None: en_max = np.max(self.sys.en.real) ax1.set_ylim([-en_max-0.2, en_max+0.2]) ind = np.ones(, bool) else: ind = (self.sys.en > lims[0]) & (self.sys.en < lims[1]) ax1.set_ylim([lims[0]-0.1, lims[1]+0.1]) ax1.plot(x[ind], self.sys.en.real[ind], 'ob', markersize=ms) ax1.set_title('Spectrum', fontsize=fs) ax1.set_xlabel('$n$', fontsize=fs) ax1.set_ylabel('$E_n$', fontsize=fs, color='blue') for label in ax1.get_yticklabels(): label.set_color('b') if tag_pola: error_handling.tag(tag_pola, fig, ax2 = self.polarization(fig=fig, ax1=ax1, ms=ms, fs=fs, tag_pola=tag_pola, ind=ind) elif ipr: fig, ax2 = self.ipr(fig=fig, ax1=ax1, ms=ms, fs=fs, ind=ind) elif peterman: fig, ax2 = self.petermann(fig=fig, ax1=ax1, ms=ms, fs=fs, ind=ind) for label in ax1.xaxis.get_majorticklabels(): label.set_fontsize(fs) for label in ax1.yaxis.get_majorticklabels(): label.set_fontsize(fs) xa = ax1.get_xaxis() ax1.set_xlim([x[ind][0]-0.5, x[ind][-1]+0.5]) xa.set_major_locator(plt.MaxNLocator(integer=True)) fig.set_tight_layout(True) plt.draw() return fig
[docs] def polarization(self, fig=None, ax1=None, ms=10., fs=20., lims=None, tag_pola=None, ind=None): ''' Plot sublattice polarization. :param fig: Figure. Default value None. (used by the method spectrum). :param ax1: Axis. Default value None. (used by the method spectrum). :param ms: Positive Float. Default value 10. Markersize. :param fs: Positive Float. Default value 20. Fontsize. :param lims: List, lims[0] energy min, lims[1] energy max. :param tag_pola: Binary char. Default value None. Tag of the sublattice. :param ind: List. Default value None. List of indices. (used in the method spectrum). :returns: * **fig** -- Figure. ''' if fig is None: error_handling.sys(self.sys) error_handling.empty_ndarray(self.sys.en, 'sys.get_eig') error_handling.positive_real(ms, 'ms') error_handling.positive_real(fs, 'fs') error_handling.lims(lims) fig, ax2 = plt.subplots() ax2 = plt.gca() if lims is None: ax2.set_ylim([-0.1, 1.1]) ind = np.ones(, bool) else: ind = (self.sys.en > lims[0]) & (self.sys.en < lims[1]) ax2.set_ylim([lims[0]-0.1, lims[1]+0.1]) else: ax2 = plt.twinx() error_handling.empty_ndarray(self.sys.pola, 'sys.get_pola') error_handling.tag(tag_pola, x = np.arange( i_tag = == tag_pola ax2.plot(x[ind], np.ravel(self.sys.pola[ind, i_tag]), 'or', markersize=(4*ms)//5) str_tag = tag_pola.decode('ascii') ylabel = '$<' + str_tag.upper() + '|' + str_tag.upper() + '>$' ax2.set_ylabel(ylabel, fontsize=fs, color='red') ax2.set_ylim([-0.1, 1.1]) ax2.set_xlim(-0.5, x[ind][-1]+0.5) for tick in ax2.xaxis.get_major_ticks(): tick.label.set_fontsize(fs) for label in ax2.get_yticklabels(): label.set_color('r') return fig, ax2
[docs] def ipr(self, fig=None, ax1=None, ms=10, fs=20, lims=None, ind=None): ''' Plot Inverse Participation Ration. :param fig: Figure. Default value None. (used by the method spectrum). :param ax1: Axis. Default value None. (used by the method spectrum). :param ms: Positive Float. Default value 10. Markersize. :param fs: Positive Float. Default value 20. Fontsize. :param lims: List. lims[0] energy min, lims[1] energy max. :param ind: List. Default value None. List of indices. (used in the method spectrum). :returns: * **fig** -- Figure. ''' if fig is None: error_handling.sys(self.sys) error_handling.empty_ndarray(self.sys.ipr, 'sys.get_ipr') error_handling.positive_real(ms, 'ms') error_handling.positive_real(fs, 'fs') error_handling.lims(lims) fig, ax2 = plt.subplots() ax2 = plt.gca() if lims is None: ind = np.ones(, bool) else: ind = (self.sys.en > lims[0]) & (self.sys.en < lims[1]) else: ax2 = plt.twinx() error_handling.empty_ndarray(self.sys.ipr, 'sys.get_ipr') x = np.arange( ax2.plot(x[ind], self.sys.ipr[ind], 'or', markersize=(4*ms)//5) ax2.set_ylabel( 'IPR' , fontsize=fs, color='red') ax2.set_xlim(-0.5, x[ind][-1]+0.5) for tick in ax2.xaxis.get_major_ticks(): tick.label.set_fontsize(fs) for label in ax2.get_yticklabels(): label.set_color('r') return fig, ax2
[docs] def petermann(self, fig=None, ax1=None, ms=10, fs=20, lims=None, ind=None): ''' Plot Peterman factor. :param fig: Figure. Default value None. (used by the method spectrum). :param ax1: Axis. Default value None. (used by the method spectrum). :param ms: Positive Float. Default value 10. Markersize. :param fs: Positive Float. Default value 20. Fontsize. :param lims: List. lims[0] energy min, lims[1] energy max. :param ind: List. Default value None. List of indices. (used in the method spectrum). :returns: * **fig** -- Figure. ''' if fig is None: error_handling.sys(self.sys) error_handling.empty_ndarray(self.sys.ipr, 'sys.get_petermann') error_handling.positive_real(ms, 'ms') error_handling.positive_real(fs, 'fs') error_handling.lims(lims) fig, ax2 = plt.subplots() ax2 = plt.gca() if lims is None: ind = np.ones(, bool) else: ind = (self.sys.en > lims[0]) & (self.sys.en < lims[1]) else: ax2 = plt.twinx() error_handling.empty_ndarray(self.sys.ipr, 'sys.get_ipr') x = np.arange( ax2.plot(x[ind], self.sys.petermann[ind], 'or', markersize=(4*ms)//5) ax2.set_ylabel( 'K' , fontsize=fs, color='red') ax2.set_xlim(-0.5, x[ind][-1]+0.5) for tick in ax2.xaxis.get_major_ticks(): tick.label.set_fontsize(fs) for label in ax2.get_yticklabels(): label.set_color('r') return fig, ax2
[docs] def spectrum_complex(self, ms=10., fs=20., lims=None): ''' Plot complex value eigenenergies,real part (blue circles), and imaginary part (red circles). :param ms: Positive Float. Default value 20. Markersize. :param fs: Positive Float. Default value 20. Font size. :param lims: List. lims[0] energy min, lims[1] energy max. :returns: * **fig** -- Figure. ''' error_handling.empty_ndarray(self.sys.en, 'sys.get_eig') error_handling.positive_real(ms, 'ms') error_handling.positive_real(fs, 'fs') error_handling.lims(lims) fig, ax1 = plt.subplots() ax1 = plt.gca() x = np.arange( if lims is None: en_max = np.max(self.sys.en.real) ax1.set_ylim([-en_max-0.2, en_max+0.2]) ind = np.ones(, bool) else: ind = (self.sys.en > lims[0]) & (self.sys.en < lims[1]) ax1.set_ylim([lims[0]-0.1, lims[1]+0.1]) ax1.plot(x[ind], self.sys.en.real[ind], 'ob', markersize=ms) ax1.plot(x[ind], self.sys.en.imag[ind], 'or', markersize=ms) ax1.set_title('Spectrum', fontsize=fs) ax1.set_xlabel('$n$', fontsize=fs) ax1.set_ylabel('Re '+r'$E_n$'+', Im '+r'$E_n$', fontsize=fs) for label in ax1.xaxis.get_majorticklabels(): label.set_fontsize(fs) for label in ax1.yaxis.get_majorticklabels(): label.set_fontsize(fs) xa = ax1.get_xaxis() ax1.set_xlim([x[ind][0]-0.1, x[ind][-1]+0.1]) xa.set_major_locator(plt.MaxNLocator(integer=True)) fig.set_tight_layout(True) plt.draw() return fig
[docs] def intensity_1d(self, intensity, ms=20., lw=2., fs=20., title=r'$|\psi^{(j)}|^2$'): ''' Plot intensity for 1D lattices. :param intensity: np.array. Field intensity. :param ms: Positive Float. Default value 20. Markersize. :param lw: Positive Float. Default value 2. Linewith, connect sublattice sites. :param fs: Positive Float. Default value 20. Font size. :param title: String. Default value 'Intensity'. Figure title. ''' error_handling.ndarray(intensity, 'intensity', error_handling.empty_ndarray(, 'sys.get_lattice') error_handling.positive_real(ms, 'ms') error_handling.positive_real(lw, 'lw') error_handling.positive_real(fs, 'fs') error_handling.string(title, 'title') fig, ax = plt.subplots() ax.set_xlabel('$j$', fontsize=fs) ax.set_ylabel(title, fontsize=fs) ax.set_title(title, fontsize=fs) for t, c in zip(, self.colors): plt.plot(['x'][['tag'] == t], intensity[['tag'] == t], '-o', color=c, ms=ms, lw=lw) plt.xlim([-1.,]) plt.ylim([0., np.max(intensity)+.05]) fig.set_tight_layout(True) plt.draw() return fig
[docs] def intensity_disk(self, intensity, s=200., fs=20., lims=None, figsize=None, title=r'$|\psi|^2$'): ''' Plot the intensity. Colormap with identical disk shape. :param intensity: np.array.Field intensity. :param s: Default value 200. Disk size. :param fs: Default value 20. Font size. :param lims: List. Default value None. Colormap limits. :param figsize: Tuple. Default value None. Figure size. :param title: String. Default value '$|\psi_n|^2$'. Title. :returns: * **fig** -- Figure. ''' error_handling.empty_ndarray(, 'sys.get_lattice') error_handling.ndarray(intensity, 'intensity', error_handling.positive_real(s, 's') error_handling.positive_real(fs, 'fs') error_handling.tuple_2elem(figsize, 'figsize') error_handling.string(title, 'title') fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=figsize) plt.title(title, fontsize=fs+5) map_red = plt.get_cmap('Reds') if lims is None: lims = [0., np.max(intensity)] y_ticks = ['0', 'max'] else: y_ticks = lims plt.scatter(['x'],['y'], c=intensity, s=s, cmap=map_red, vmin=lims[0], vmax=lims[1]) cbar = plt.colorbar(ticks=lims) ax.set_xticks([]) ax.set_yticks([]) ax.set_xlim(np.min(['x'])-1., np.max(['x'])+1.) ax.set_ylim(np.min(['y'])-1., np.max(['y'])+1.)[y_ticks[0], y_ticks[1]]) ax.set_aspect('equal') fig.set_tight_layout(True) plt.draw() return fig
[docs] def intensity_area(self, intensity, s=1000., lw=1., fs=20., plt_hop=False, figsize=None, title=r'$|\psi|^2$'): ''' Plot the intensity. Intensity propotional to disk shape. :param intensity: np.array. Intensity. :param s: Positive Float. Default value 1000. Circle size given by s * intensity. :param lw: Positive Float. Default value 1. Hopping linewidths. :param fs: Positive Float. Default value 20. Fontsize. :param plt_hop: Boolean. Default value False. Plot hoppings. :param figsize: Tuple. Default value None. Figure size. :param title: String. Default value '$|\psi_{ij}|^2$'. Figure title. :returns: * **fig** -- Figure. ''' error_handling.empty_ndarray(, 'sys.get_lattice') error_handling.ndarray(intensity, 'intensity', error_handling.positive_real(s, 's') error_handling.positive_real(fs, 'fs') error_handling.boolean(plt_hop, 'plt_hop') error_handling.tuple_2elem(figsize, 'figsize') error_handling.string(title, 'title') fig, ax = plt.subplots() ax.set_xlabel('$i$', fontsize=fs) ax.set_ylabel('$j$', fontsize=fs) ax.set_title(title, fontsize=fs) if plt_hop: plt.plot([['x'][self.sys.hop['i'][:]],['x'][self.sys.hop['j'][:]]], [['y'][self.sys.hop['i'][:]],['y'][self.sys.hop['j'][:]]], 'k', lw=lw) for tag, color in zip(, self.colors): plt.scatter(['x'][['tag'] == tag],['y'][['tag'] == tag], s=100*s*intensity[['tag'] == tag], c=color, alpha=0.5) ax.set_aspect('equal') ax.axis('off') x_lim = [np.min(['x'])-2., np.max(['x'])+2.] y_lim = [np.min(['y'])-2., np.max(['y'])+2.] ax.set_xlim(x_lim) ax.set_ylim(y_lim) fig.set_tight_layout(True) plt.draw() return fig
[docs] def butterfly(self, betas, butterfly, lw=1., fs=20., lims=None, title=''): ''' Plot energies depending on a parameter. :param betas: np.array. Parameter values. :param butterfly: np.array. Eigenvalues. :param lw: Positive Float. Default value 1. Hopping linewidths. :param fs: Positive Float. Default value 20. Fontsize. :param lims: List, lims[0] energy min, lims[1] energy max. :param title: Default value ''. Figure title. ''' error_handling.ndarray_empty(betas, 'betas') error_handling.ndarray_empty(butterfly, 'butterfly') error_handling.positive_real(lw, 'lw') error_handling.positive_real(fs, 'fs') error_handling.lims(lims) error_handling.string(title, 'title') i_beta_min = np.argmin(np.abs(betas)) if lims is None: lims = [butterfly[i_beta_min, 0], butterfly[i_beta_min, -1]] ind_en = np.argwhere((butterfly[i_beta_min, :] > lims[0]) & (butterfly[i_beta_min, :] < lims[1])) ind_en = np.ravel(ind_en) fig, ax = plt.subplots() plt.title('Energies depending on strain', fontsize=fs) plt.xlabel(r'$\beta/\beta_{max}$', fontsize=fs) plt.ylabel('$E$', fontsize=fs) ax.set_title(title, fontsize=fs) plt.yticks(np.arange(lims[0], lims[1]+1, (lims[1]-lims[0])/4), fontsize=fs) plt.ylim(lims) beta_max = max(self.sys.betas) plt.xticks([-beta_max, -0.5*beta_max, 0, 0.5*beta_max, beta_max], fontsize=fs) ax.set_xticklabels(('-1', '-1/2', '0', '1/2', '1')) plt.xlim([betas[0], betas[-1]]) for i in ind_en: plt.plot(betas, butterfly[:, i], 'b', lw=lw) fig.set_tight_layout(True) plt.draw() return fig
[docs] def show(self): """ Emulate Matplotlib method """