import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from math import sqrt, sin, cos, pi, tan, atan2
import sys
from plotTB import *
[docs]class latticeTB():
Build up a lattice.
def __init__(self, tags, ri, nor, ang):
:param tags: The tags (binary chars) associated to each sublattice.
:param ri: Initial positions of sites belonging to the unit cell.
:param nor: Primitive vectors norm.
:param ang: Angle between primitive vectors.
self.tags = np.array(tags)
self.nx, self.ny = 0, 0 # no unit cells along x and y
self.ri = ri # initial positions of the sites
self.nor = nor # primitive vectors norm
self.ang = ang # angle between primitive vectors
self.coor = np.array([], {'names': ['x', 'y', 'tag'], 'formats': ['f8', 'f8', 'S1']})
self.sites = 0 # Site number
[docs] def get_lattice_shape(self, nx, ny):
Get the lattice positions
:param nx: Number of unit cells along :math:`x`.
:param ny: Number of unit cells along :math:`y`.
self.get_lattice_shape(nx, ny)
self.coor = np.array([], {'names': ['x', 'y', 'tag'], 'formats': ['f8', 'f8', 'S1']})
self.nx, self.ny = nx, ny
x = self.nor * np.arange(nx, dtype='f8')
y = sin(self.ang) * self.nor * np.arange(ny, dtype='f8')
xx, yy = np.meshgrid(x, y)
if self.ang:
xx += yy / tan(self.ang)
xx = np.ravel(xx)
yy = np.ravel(yy)
coor_tag = np.zeros(len(xx), {'names':['x', 'y', 'tag'], 'formats':['f8', 'f8', 'S1']})
for i, t in enumerate(self.tags):
coor_tag['x'] = xx + self.ri[i][0]
coor_tag['y'] = yy + self.ri[i][1]
coor_tag['tag'] = t
self.coor = np.concatenate([self.coor, coor_tag])
self.coor = np.sort(self.coor, order=('y', 'x'))
if (self.ang == pi/2) and (int(self.nor) == self.nor):
self.coor['x'] = np.rint(self.coor['x'])
self.coor['y'] = np.rint(self.coor['y'])
self.sites = len(self.coor['tag'])
[docs] def remove_sites(self, ind):
Remove sites define their indices
:param ind: Array of site indices to be removed.
mask = np.ones(self.sites, bool)
mask[ind] = False
self.coor = self.coor[mask]
self.sites = len(self.coor['tag'])
[docs] def remove_dangling(self, nor_bond):
Remove dangling sites
(sites connected with just another site).
:param nor_bond: Norm of the bonds to be checked.
while True:
dif_x = self.coor['x'] - self.coor['x'].reshape(self.sites, 1)
dif_y = self.coor['y'] - self.coor['y'].reshape(self.sites, 1)
dis = np.sqrt(dif_x **2 + dif_y **2)
ind = np.argwhere((dis > nor_bond-.1) & (dis < nor_bond+.1))
dang =[]
for i in range(self.sites):
if (ind[:, 0] == i).sum() == 1:
self.coor = np.delete(self.coor, dang, axis=0)
self.sites -= len(dang)
if dang == []:
[docs] def plt_lattice(self, colors=[], ms=30, fs=20, plt_index=False, figsize=None):
Plot lattice.
:param colors: Sublattice colors.
:param ms: Default value 30. Markersize.
:param lw: Default value 5. Linewidth of the hoppings.
:param plt_index: Default value False. Plot site indices.
:param figsize: Default value None. Figsize.
* **fig** -- Figure.
if colors == []:
colors = ['b', 'r', 'g', 'y', 'm', 'k']
fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=figsize)
# sites
for c, t in zip(colors, self.tags):
str_tag = t.decode('ascii').upper()
plt.plot(self.coor['x'][self.coor['tag'] == t],
self.coor['y'][self.coor['tag'] == t], 'o', color=c,
ms=ms, label=str_tag, markeredgecolor='none')
ax.set_xlim([np.min(self.coor['x'])-0.5, np.max(self.coor['x'])+0.5])
ax.set_ylim([np.min(self.coor['y'])-0.5, np.max(self.coor['y'])+0.5])
# labels
if plt_index:
indices = ['{}'.format(i) for i in range(self.sites)]
for l, x, y in zip(indices, self.coor['x'], self.coor['y']):
plt.annotate(l, xy=(x, y), xytext=(0, 0),
textcoords='offset points', ha='right',
va='bottom', size=fs)
return fig