Source code for propagationTB

import numpy as np
import scipy.sparse as sparse
import scipy.linalg as LA
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import matplotlib.animation as animation
from JSAnimation import IPython_display
import os

[docs]class propagationTB(): ''' Get lattice time evolution. Time dependent Schrödinger equation solved by Crank-Nicolson method. ''' def __init__(self, lat, steps, dz): ''' Plot the coordinates of the Lieb lattice sites in hoppings space. :param lat: **latticeTB** class instance. :param steps: Number of steps. :param dz: Step. ''' = lat self.steps = steps = dz self.prop = np.zeros((, self.steps), 'c16')
[docs] def get_prop(self, ham, psi_init, norm=True): ''' Get the time evolution. :param ham: Tight-Binding Hamilonian. :param psi_init: Initial state. :param norm: Default value True. Normalize the norm to 1 at each step. ''' psi_init = np.array([psi_init]) self.prop[:, 0] = psi_init diag = 1j*np.ones(, 'c16') A = (sparse.diags(diag, 0) - 0.5 * * ham).toarray() B = (sparse.diags(diag, 0) + 0.5 * * ham).toarray() mat = (, B)) for i in range(1, self.steps): self.prop[:, i] =, self.prop[:, i-1]) if norm: self.prop[:, i] /= np.sqrt((np.abs(self.prop[:, i])**2).sum())
[docs] def get_pump(self, hams, psi_init, norm=True): ''' Get the time evolution under adiabatic pumpings. :param hams: Tight-Binding Hamilonians. :param psi_init: Initial state. :param norm: Default value True. Normalize the norm to 1 at each step. ''' ham = np.array([hams]) psi_init = np.array([psi_init]) no, = hams.shape self.prop[:, 0] = psi_init diag = 1j*np.ones(, 'c16') delta = self.steps //(no+1) A = (sparse.diags(diag, 0) - 0.5 * * hams[0]).toarray() B = (sparse.diags(diag, 0) + 0.5 * * hams[0]).toarray() mat = (, B)) # before pumping for i in range(1, delta): self.prop[:, i] =, self.prop[:, i-1]) if norm: self.prop[:, i] /= np.sqrt((np.abs(self.prop[:, i])**2).sum()) # pumping c = np.linspace(0, 1, delta) for j in range(0, no-1): for i in range(0, delta): ham = (1-c[i])*hams[j]+c[i]*hams[j+1] A = (sparse.diags(diag, 0) - 0.5 * * ham).toarray() B = (sparse.diags(diag, 0) + 0.5 * * ham).toarray() mat = (, B)) self.prop[:, (j+1)*delta+i] =, self.prop[:, (j+1)*delta+i-1]) if norm: self.prop[:, (j+1)*delta+i] /= \ np.sqrt((np.abs(self.prop[:, (j+1)*delta+i])**2).sum()) # after pumping j = no delta_f = self.steps - no*delta for i in range(0, delta_f): self.prop[:, j*delta+i] =, self.prop[:, j*delta+i-1]) if norm: self.prop[:, j*delta+i] /= np.sqrt((np.abs(self.prop[:, j*delta+i])**2).sum())
[docs] def plt_prop1d(self, fs=20): ''' Plot time evolution for 1D systems. :param fs: Default value 20. Fontsize. ''' if not self.prop.any(): raise Exception('\n\nRun method get_prop() or get_pump() first.\n') fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(8, 6)) prop = np.abs(self.prop[::-1, :]) **2 color = self.prop_smooth1d(prop) plt.title('$|\psi(z)|^2$', fontsize=fs) plt.ylabel('n', fontsize=fs) plt.xlabel('z', fontsize=fs) vmin, vmax = 0., np.max(color[:, 0:]) extent = (0, self.steps*,, aspect = 'auto' interpolation = 'nearest' im = plt.imshow(color,, aspect=aspect, interpolation=interpolation, extent=extent, vmin=vmin, vmax=vmax) cbar = plt.colorbar(im, ticks=[vmin, vmax])['0', 'max'], fontsize=fs) ya = ax.get_yaxis() ya.set_major_locator(plt.MaxNLocator(integer=True)) return fig
[docs] def prop_smooth1d(self, prop, a=14., no=40): r''' Smooth propagation for 1D systems. Perform Gaussian interpolation :math:`e^{-a(x-x_i)^2}`, :param prop: Propagation. :param a: Default value 10. Gaussian Parameter. :param no: Default value 40. Number of points of each Gaussians. :returns: * **smooth** -- Smoothed propagation. ''' x = np.linspace(-0.5, 0.5, no) smooth = np.empty(( * no, self.steps)) for iz in range(0, self.steps): for i in range( smooth[i*no: (i+1)*no, iz] = prop[i, iz] * np.exp(-a * x ** 2) return smooth
[docs] def get_ani(self, s=300, fs=20): ''' Get time evolution animation. :param s: Default value 300. Circle shape. :param fs: Default value 20. Fontsize. :returns: * **ani** -- Animation. ''' if not self.prop.any(): raise Exception('\n\nRun method get_prop() or get_pump() first.\n') if == 'posix': blit = False else: blit = True color = self.prop.real fig = plt.figure() plt.xlim([['x'][0]-.5,['x'][-1]+.5]) plt.ylim([['y'][0]-.5,['y'][-1]+.5]) ticks = [-np.max(color), np.max(color)] scat = plt.scatter(['x'],['y'], c=color[:, 0], s=s, vmin=ticks[0], vmax=ticks[1], cmap=plt.get_cmap('seismic')) frame = plt.gca() frame.axes.get_xaxis().set_ticks([]) frame.axes.get_yaxis().set_ticks([]) cbar = fig.colorbar(scat, ticks=[ticks[0], 0, ticks[1]])['', '0','']) def update(i, color, scat): scat.set_array(color[:, i]) return scat, ani = animation.FuncAnimation(fig, update, frames=self.steps, fargs=(color, scat), blit=blit, repeat=False) return ani
[docs] def get_ani_nb(self, s=300, fs=20): ''' Get time evolution animation for iPython notebooks. :param s: Default value 300. Circle shape. :param fs: Default value 20. Fontsize. :returns: * **ani** -- Animation. ''' if not self.prop.any(): raise Exception('\n\nRun method get_prop() or get_pump() first.\n') fig = plt.figure() color = self.prop.real fig = plt.figure() ticks = [-np.max(color), np.max(color)] scat = plt.scatter(['x'],['y'], c=color[:, 0], s=s, vmin=ticks[0], vmax=ticks[1], cmap=plt.get_cmap('seismic')) frame = plt.gca() frame.axes.get_xaxis().set_ticks([]) frame.axes.get_yaxis().set_ticks([]) cbar = fig.colorbar(scat, ticks=[ticks[0], 0, ticks[1]])['', '0','']) def init(): scat.set_array(color[:, 0]) return scat, def update(i): scat.set_array(color[:, i]) return scat, return animation.FuncAnimation(fig, update, init_func=init, frames=self.steps, interval=120)
[docs] def plt_prop_dimer(self, lw=5, fs=20): ''' Plot time evolution for dimers. :param lw: Default value 5. Linewidth. :param fs: Default value 20. Fontsize. :returns: * **fig** -- Figure. ''' if not self.prop.any(): raise Exception('\n\nRun method get_prop() or get_pump() first.\n') color = ['b', 'r'] fig, ax = plt.subplots() z = * np.arange(self.steps) for i, c in zip([0, 1], color): plt.plot(z, np.abs(self.prop[i, :])**2, c, lw=lw) plt.title('Intensity', fontsize=fs) plt.xlabel('$z$', fontsize=fs) plt.ylabel('$|\psi_j|^2$', fontsize=fs) plt.xlim([0, z[-1]]) return fig