Source code for liebTB

    **liebTB** module models a line centered squared lattice (Lieb lattice)
    with real and/or complex valued hoppings and onsite energies.
    **liebTB** is available at

import numpy as np
import sys, os
from scipy.optimize import fsolve
import numpy.random as rand
from math import cos, sin, sqrt, pi
from cmath import exp as cexp  
from mpl_toolkits.mplot3d import axes3d
from matplotlib.legend_handler import HandlerLine2D
from latticeTB import *
from plotTB import *
from eigTB import *
from propTB import *

[docs]class eigLieb(eigTB): ''' Child of the class **eigTB**. Dedicated to the Lieb lattice. ''' def __init__(self, lat): eigTB.__init__(self, lat) self.alpha = 0 # disorder strength self.nn = 0 # next nearest hoppings strength
[docs] def set_hop_alt(self, ta, tb, tc, td): ''' Get the nearest hoppings of the Lieb lattice with alternating hoppings and, the next nearest hoppings. As the next nearest hoppings are diagonal hoppings, the value of the diagonal between :math:`t_1` and :math:`t_2` is given by :math:`c\sqrt{t_1^2+t_2^2}`. :param ta: Value of the math:`t_{ab}` hoppings. :param tb: Value of the math:`t_{ba}` hoppings. :param tc: Value of the math:`t_{ac}` hoppings. :param td: Value of the math:`t_{ca}` hoppings. ''' dif_x = self.coor['x'] - self.coor['x'].reshape(self.sites, 1) dif_y = self.coor['y'] - self.coor['y'].reshape(self.sites, 1) ind_x = np.argwhere((dif_x == 1) & (dif_y == 0)) hop_x = np.zeros(len(ind_x[:, 0]), {'names': ['i', 'j', 't', 'tag'], 'formats': ['u4', 'u4', 'c16', 'S2']}) hop_x['i'] = ind_x[:, 0] hop_x['j'] = ind_x[:, 1] hop_x['tag'] = np.where(self.coor[ind_x[:, 0]]['tag'] == b'a', 'ab', 'ba') hop_x['t'] = np.where(hop_x['tag'] == b'ab', ta, tb) ind_y = np.argwhere((dif_y == 1) & (dif_x == 0)) hop_y = np.zeros(len(ind_y[:, 0]), {'names':['i', 'j', 't', 'tag'], 'formats':['u4', 'u4', 'c16', 'S2']}) hop_y['i'] = ind_y[:, 0] hop_y['j'] = ind_y[:, 1] hop_y['tag'] = np.where(self.coor[ind_y[:, 0]]['tag'] == b'a', 'ac', 'ca') hop_y['t'] = np.where(hop_y['tag'] == b'ac', tc, td) self.hop = np.concatenate([hop_x, hop_y])
[docs] def set_hop_alt_nn(self, nn): ''' Get the next nearest hoppings if the Lieb lattice has alternating hoppings. :param c: Strength of the diagonal hoppings. ''' self.nn = nn dif_x = self.coor['x'] - self.coor['x'].reshape(self.sites, 1) dif_y = self.coor['y'] - self.coor['y'].reshape(self.sites, 1) ind = np.argwhere((dif_x == -1) & (dif_y == 1)) n = len(ind[:, 0]) ind_b = ind[self.coor['tag'][ind[:, 0]] == b'b'] ind_c = ind[self.coor['tag'][ind[:, 0]] == b'c'] hop_nn = np.zeros(2*n, {'names': ['i', 'j', 't', 'tag'], 'formats': ['u4', 'u4', 'c16', 'S2']}) hop_nn['i'][:n] = ind[:, 0] hop_nn['j'][:n] = ind[:, 1] for i, j in zip(ind_b[:,0], ind_b[:,1]): td = np.sqrt(self.hop['t'][(self.hop['i'] == i-1) & (self.hop['j'] == i)] ** 2 + self.hop['t'][(self.hop['i'] == i-1) & (self.hop['j'] == j)] ** 2) hop_nn['t'][(hop_nn['i'] == i) & (hop_nn['j'] == j)] = nn * td hop_nn['tag'][(hop_nn['i'] == i) & (hop_nn['j'] == j)] = b'-+' for i, j in zip(ind_c[:,0], ind_c[:,1]): td = np.sqrt(self.hop['t'][(self.hop['i'] == i) & (self.hop['j'] == j+1)] ** 2 + self.hop['t'][(self.hop['i'] == j) & (self.hop['j'] == j+1)] ** 2) hop_nn['t'][(hop_nn['i'] == i) & (hop_nn['j'] == j)] = nn * td hop_nn['tag'][(hop_nn['i'] == i) & (hop_nn['j'] == j)] = b'+-' ind = np.argwhere((dif_x == 1) & (dif_y == 1)) n = len(ind[:, 0]) ind_b = ind[self.coor['tag'][ind[:, 0]] == b'b'] ind_c = ind[self.coor['tag'][ind[:, 0]] == b'c'] ind_ord = ind[self.coor['tag'][ind[:, 0]] == b'b'] hop_nn['i'][n:] = ind[:, 0] hop_nn['j'][n:] = ind[:, 1] for i, j in zip(ind_b[:,0], ind_b[:,1]): td = np.sqrt(self.hop['t'][(self.hop['i'] == i) & (self.hop['j'] == i+1)] ** 2 + self.hop['t'][(self.hop['i'] == i+1) & (self.hop['j'] == j)] ** 2) hop_nn['t'][(hop_nn['i'] == i) & (hop_nn['j'] == j)] = nn * td hop_nn['tag'][(hop_nn['i'] == i) & (hop_nn['j'] == j)] = b'++' for i, j in zip(ind_c[:,0], ind_c[:,1]): td = np.sqrt(self.hop['t'][(self.hop['i'] == j-1) & (self.hop['j'] == j)] ** 2 + self.hop['t'][(self.hop['i'] == i) & (self.hop['j'] == j-1)] ** 2) hop_nn['t'][(hop_nn['i'] == i) & (hop_nn['j'] == j)] = nn * td hop_nn['tag'][(hop_nn['i'] == i) & (hop_nn['j'] == j)] = b'--' self.hop = np.concatenate([self.hop, hop_nn])
[docs] def set_dim_defect(self, dim_x=-1, dim_y=-1): ''' Set dimerization defects along :math:`x` and/or :math:`y`. :param dim_x: Default value -1 (no defect). Dimerization along :math:`x` site index. :param dim_x: Default value -1 (no defect). Dimerization along :math:`y` site index. ''' ta = self.hop['t'][self.hop['tag'] == b'ab'][0] tb = self.hop['t'][self.hop['tag'] == b'ba'][0] tc = self.hop['t'][self.hop['tag'] == b'ac'][0] td = self.hop['t'][self.hop['tag'] == b'ca'][0] if dim_x > 1: self.hop['t'][(self.hop['tag'] == b'ab') & (self.coor['x'][self.hop['i']] >= dim_x)] = tb self.hop['t'][(self.hop['tag'] == b'ba') & (self.coor['x'][self.hop['i']] >= dim_x)] = ta if dim_y > 1: self.hop['t'][(self.hop['tag'] == b'ac') & (self.coor['y'][self.hop['i']] >= dim_y)] = td self.hop['t'][(self.hop['tag'] == b'ca') & (self.coor['y'][self.hop['i']] >= dim_y)] = tc
[docs] def set_disorder_uniform(self, alpha): ''' Set a non generic disorder. Disorder uniform along math:`y` for math:`t_{ab}` and math:`t_{ba}`, and uniform along math:`x` for math:`t_{ac}` and math:`t_{ca}`. :param alpha: Stength of the disorder. .. note :: This disorder preserves the zero mode. ''' self.alpha = alpha sites_x = len(self.coor['tag'][self.coor['y'] == 0]) sites_y = len(self.coor['tag'][self.coor['x'] == 0]) rand_x = 1. + alpha * rand.uniform(-.5, .5, sites_x-1) rand_y = 1. + alpha * rand.uniform(-.5, .5, sites_y-1) for y in range(0, sites_y, 2): self.hop['t'][((self.hop['tag'] == b'ab') | (self.hop['tag'] == b'ba')) & (self.coor['y'][self.hop['i']] == y)] *= rand_x for x in range(0, sites_x, 2): self.hop['t'][((self.hop['tag'] == b'ac') | (self.hop['tag'] == b'ca')) & (self.coor['x'][self.hop['i']] == x)] *= rand_y
[docs] def set_disorder_pair(self, alpha): ''' Set a non generic disorder. :param alpha: Stength of the disorder. .. note :: This disorder preserves the zero mode. ''' self.alpha = alpha sites_x = len(self.coor['tag'][self.coor['y'] == 0]) sites_y = len(self.coor['tag'][self.coor['x'] == 0]) for y in range(0, sites_y, 2): rand_x = 1 + alpha * rand.uniform(-.5, .5, sites_x-1) rand_x[1::2] = rand_x[0::2] self.hop['t'][((self.hop['tag'] == b'ab') | (self.hop['tag'] == b'ba')) & (self.coor['y'][self.hop['i']] == y)] *= rand_x for x in range(0, sites_x, 2): rand_y = 1 + alpha * rand.uniform(-.5, .5, sites_y-1) rand_y[1::2] = rand_y[0::2] self.hop['t'][((self.hop['tag'] == b'ac') | (self.hop['tag'] == b'ca')) & (self.coor['x'][self.hop['i']] == x)] *= rand_y
[docs] def set_disorder_placket(self, alpha): ''' Set a non generic disorder. :param alpha: Stength of the disorder. .. note :: This disorder preserves the zero mode. ''' self.alpha = alpha lx, ly = 2, 2 sites_x = len(self.coor['tag'][self.coor['y'] == 0]) sites_y = len(self.coor['tag'][self.coor['x'] == 0]) self.hop['t'] *= 1+ alpha * rand.uniform(-.5, .5, len(self.hop['tag'])) for i, j in [(i, j) for i in range((sites_x-1)//2) for j in range((sites_y-1)//2)]: hop_p = self.hop[(self.coor['x'][self.hop['i']]>i*lx-0.1) & (self.coor['x'][self.hop['i']]<(i+1)*lx+0.1) & (self.coor['y'][self.hop['i']]>j*ly-0.1) & (self.coor['y'][self.hop['i']]<(j+1)*ly+0.1) & (self.coor['x'][self.hop['j']]>i*lx-0.1) & (self.coor['x'][self.hop['j']]<(i+1)*lx+0.1) & (self.coor['y'][self.hop['j']]>j*ly-0.1) & (self.coor['y'][self.hop['j']]<(j+1)*ly+0.1)] self.hop['t'][(self.hop['i'] == hop_p['i'][7]) & (self.hop['j'] == hop_p['j'][7])] = \ hop_p['t'][0]*hop_p['t'][3]*hop_p['t'][5]*hop_p['t'][6] / \ (hop_p['t'][1]*hop_p['t'][2]*hop_p['t'][4])
[docs] def set_magnetic_field(self, theta): ''' Add Pierls phases to the hoppings. :param nx: Number of sites along math:`x`. (Input of the class **latticeTB**) .. note :: This disorder preserves the zero mode. ''' sites_x = len(self.coor['tag'][self.coor['y'] == 0]) for x in range(sites_x): self.hop['t'][((self.hop['tag'] == b'ac') | (self.hop['tag'] == b'ca')) & (self.coor['x'][self.hop['i']] == x)] *= \ np.exp(1j * theta * (x // 2))
[docs] def get_butterfly(self, N): '''' Get energies depending on phase. :param N: Number of spectra. ''' t = 1. self.thetas = np.linspace(0, pi, N) self.butterfly = np.zeros((self.sites, N)) for i, theta in enumerate(self.thetas): self.set_hop_alt(t, t, t, t) self.set_magnetic_field(theta=theta) self.get_ham(compl_trans=True) self.butterfly[:, i] = LA.eigvalsh(self.ham.toarray()) for b in self.butterfly: plt.plot(self.thetas, b, 'b')
[docs]class plotLieb(plotTB): ''' Plot the output of the class **latticeTB** and the class **eigTB**. ''' def __init__(self, sys): plotTB.__init__(self, sys) self.coor = sys.coor self.hop = sys.hop self.coor_hop = np.array([], {'names': ['x', 'y'], 'formats': ['f8', 'f8']})
[docs] def plt_lattice_hop(self, ms=20, lw=1): ''' Plot the coordinates of the Lieb lattice sites in hoppings space. :param hop: Hoppings. :param nx: Number of sites along :math:`x`. :param ny: Number of sites along :math:`y`. :param ms: Default value 20. Markersize. ''' lx, ly = 2, 2 sites_x = len(self.coor['tag'][self.coor['y'] == 0]) sites_y = len(self.coor['tag'][self.coor['x'] == 0]) fig, ax = plt.subplots() ax.set_aspect('equal') ax.axis('off') coor_hop = np.copy(self.coor) # coordinates at the bottom coor_hop['x'][1: sites_x] = np.cumsum(self.hop['t'][: sites_x-1].real) # coordinates at the left ty = self.hop['t'][((self.hop['tag'] == b'ac') | (self.hop['tag'] == b'ca')) & \ (self.coor['x'][self.hop['i']] >-0.01) & (self.coor['x'][self.hop['i']] < 0.01) & \ (self.coor['x'][self.hop['j']] >-0.01) & (self.coor['x'][self.hop['j']] < 0.01)].real coor_hop['y'][(self.coor['x'] >-0.01) & (self.coor['x'] < 0.01) & (self.coor['y'] > 0)] = np.cumsum(ty) # loop over each plaquette for i, j in [(i, j) for i in range(sites_x//2) for j in range(sites_y//2)]: ind_r = np.where((self.coor['x']>i*lx-0.1) & (self.coor['x']<(i+1)*lx+0.1) & (self.coor['y']>j*ly-0.1) & (self.coor['y']<(j+1)*ly+0.1)) ind_r = np.ravel(ind_r) cond_h = (self.coor['x'][self.hop['i']]>i*lx-0.1) & (self.coor['x'][self.hop['i']]<(i+1)*lx+0.1) & \ (self.coor['y'][self.hop['i']]>j*ly-0.1) & (self.coor['y'][self.hop['i']]<(j+1)*ly+0.1) & \ (self.coor['x'][self.hop['j']]>i*lx-0.1) & (self.coor['x'][self.hop['j']]<(i+1)*lx+0.1) & \ (self.coor['y'][self.hop['j']]>j*ly-0.1) & (self.coor['y'][self.hop['j']]<(j+1)*ly+0.1) hop_p = self.hop['t'][cond_h].real tx0, tx1, tx2, tx3 = hop_p[0], hop_p[1], hop_p[2], hop_p[3] ty0, ty2, ty1, ty3 = hop_p[4], hop_p[5], hop_p[6], hop_p[7] p = (coor_hop['x'][ind_r[5]], coor_hop['y'][ind_r[5]], coor_hop['x'][ind_r[2]], coor_hop['y'][ind_r[2]], tx2+tx3, ty2+ty3) if np.sqrt((p[0]-p[2])**2+(p[1]-p[3])**2) > p[4]+p[5]: print('\n\nWARNING WARNING WARNING') print('Lattice construction in hopping space is not possible.') raise Exception('\n\nRun again or decrease the strength ' 'of the disorder.\n\n') ang_x, ang_y = fsolve(equations, (0., 0.5*pi), (p,)) coor_hop['x'][ind_r[4]] = coor_hop['x'][ind_r[2]] + ty2*cos(ang_y) coor_hop['y'][ind_r[4]] = coor_hop['y'][ind_r[2]] + ty2*sin(ang_y) coor_hop['x'][ind_r[6]] = coor_hop['x'][ind_r[5]] + tx2*cos(ang_x) coor_hop['y'][ind_r[6]] = coor_hop['y'][ind_r[5]] + tx2*sin(ang_x) coor_hop['x'][ind_r[7]] = coor_hop['x'][ind_r[4]] + ty3*cos(ang_y) coor_hop['y'][ind_r[7]] = coor_hop['y'][ind_r[4]] + ty3*sin(ang_y) self.coor_hop = coor_hop # plot bonds for i in range(len(self.hop)): plt.plot([coor_hop['x'][self.hop['i'][i]], coor_hop['x'][self.hop['j'][i]]], [coor_hop['y'][self.hop['i'][i]], coor_hop['y'][self.hop['j'][i]]], 'k', lw=lw) # plot sites for t, c in zip(self.sys.tags, self.colors): plt.plot(coor_hop['x'][coor_hop['tag'] == t], coor_hop['y'][coor_hop['tag'] == t], 'o', color=c, ms=ms, markeredgecolor='none') xlim = [np.min(coor_hop['x'])-.5, np.max(coor_hop['x'])+.5] ylim = [np.min(coor_hop['y'])-.5, np.max(coor_hop['y'])+.5] ax.set_aspect('equal') plt.xlim(xlim) plt.ylim(ylim) plt.draw() return fig
[docs] def plt_dispersion(self, ta, tb, tc, td, nn=0., fs=20, N=100): ''' Plot the relation dispersion of the Lieb lattice. :param ta: Hoppings. :param nx: Number of sites along :math:`x`. :param ny: Number of sites along :math:`y`. :param ms: Default value 20. Markersize. ''' fig = plt.figure() ax = fig.gca(projection='3d') Ek = np.zeros((N, N, 3)) kx = np.linspace(0, 2*pi, N) ky = np.linspace(0, 2*pi, N) if not nn: kx , ky = np.meshgrid(kx , ky) f = ta + tb * np.exp(-1j * kx) g = tc + td * np.exp(-1j * ky) en = np.sqrt(np.abs(f) **2 + np.abs(g) **2) Ek[:, :, 0] = - en Ek[:, :, 1] = 0 Ek[:, :, 2] = en else: f = ta + tb * np.exp(-1j * kx) g = tc + td * np.exp(-1j * ky) t1 = nn * sqrt(ta **2+tc **2) t2 = nn * sqrt(tb **2+tc **2) t3 = nn * sqrt(ta **2+td **2) t4 = nn * sqrt(tb **2+td **2) for i, j in [(i, j) for i in range(N) for j in range(N)]: l = t1 + t2 * cexp(1j * kx[i]) + t3 * cexp(-1j * ky[j]) \ + t4 * cexp(1j *( kx[i] - ky[j])) h = np.array([[0., f[i], g[j]], [f[i].conj(), 0., l], [g[j].conjugate(), l.conjugate(), 0.]]) Ek[i, j, :] = LA.eigvalsh(h) kx , ky = np.meshgrid(kx , ky) alpha = 0.8 ax.plot_surface(kx, ky, Ek[:, :, 0], linewidth=0.1, antialiased=True, shade=True, alpha=alpha, color='b') ax.plot_surface(kx, ky, Ek[:, :, 1], linewidth=0.1, antialiased=True, shade=True, alpha=alpha, color='g') ax.plot_surface(kx, ky, Ek[:, :, 2], linewidth=0.1, antialiased=True, shade=True, alpha=alpha, color='r') plt.title('$E(\mathbf{k})$', fontsize=fs) ax.set_xlabel('$k_x$', fontsize=fs) ax.set_ylabel('$k_y$', fontsize=fs) ax.set_xticks([]) ax.set_yticks([]) ax.set_zticks([0]) plt.draw() return fig
[docs]def equations(p, param): ''' Get the intersection of the points at the extremity of two segments. Used to build up the lattice in hopping space. ''' (ta, tb) = p xa, ya, xb, yb, la, lb = param return (xa+la*cos(ta)-xb-lb*cos(tb), ya+la*sin(ta)-yb-lb*sin(tb))