**liebTB** module models a line centered squared lattice (Lieb lattice)
with real and/or complex valued hoppings and onsite energies.
**liebTB** is available at https://github.com/cpoli/TB
import numpy as np
import sys, os
from scipy.optimize import fsolve
import numpy.random as rand
from math import cos, sin, sqrt, pi
from cmath import exp as cexp
from mpl_toolkits.mplot3d import axes3d
from matplotlib.legend_handler import HandlerLine2D
from latticeTB import *
from plotTB import *
from eigTB import *
from propTB import *
[docs]class eigLieb(eigTB):
Child of the class **eigTB**. Dedicated to the Lieb lattice.
def __init__(self, lat):
eigTB.__init__(self, lat)
self.alpha = 0 # disorder strength
self.nn = 0 # next nearest hoppings strength
[docs] def set_hop_alt(self, ta, tb, tc, td):
Get the nearest hoppings of the Lieb lattice with alternating hoppings
and, the next nearest hoppings. As the next nearest hoppings are
diagonal hoppings, the value of the diagonal between :math:`t_1`
and :math:`t_2` is given by :math:`c\sqrt{t_1^2+t_2^2}`.
:param ta: Value of the math:`t_{ab}` hoppings.
:param tb: Value of the math:`t_{ba}` hoppings.
:param tc: Value of the math:`t_{ac}` hoppings.
:param td: Value of the math:`t_{ca}` hoppings.
dif_x = self.coor['x'] - self.coor['x'].reshape(self.sites, 1)
dif_y = self.coor['y'] - self.coor['y'].reshape(self.sites, 1)
ind_x = np.argwhere((dif_x == 1) & (dif_y == 0))
hop_x = np.zeros(len(ind_x[:, 0]), {'names': ['i', 'j', 't', 'tag'],
'formats': ['u4', 'u4', 'c16', 'S2']})
hop_x['i'] = ind_x[:, 0]
hop_x['j'] = ind_x[:, 1]
hop_x['tag'] = np.where(self.coor[ind_x[:, 0]]['tag'] == b'a', 'ab', 'ba')
hop_x['t'] = np.where(hop_x['tag'] == b'ab', ta, tb)
ind_y = np.argwhere((dif_y == 1) & (dif_x == 0))
hop_y = np.zeros(len(ind_y[:, 0]), {'names':['i', 'j', 't', 'tag'],
'formats':['u4', 'u4', 'c16', 'S2']})
hop_y['i'] = ind_y[:, 0]
hop_y['j'] = ind_y[:, 1]
hop_y['tag'] = np.where(self.coor[ind_y[:, 0]]['tag'] == b'a', 'ac', 'ca')
hop_y['t'] = np.where(hop_y['tag'] == b'ac', tc, td)
self.hop = np.concatenate([hop_x, hop_y])
[docs] def set_hop_alt_nn(self, nn):
Get the next nearest hoppings if the Lieb lattice has alternating hoppings.
:param c: Strength of the diagonal hoppings.
self.nn = nn
dif_x = self.coor['x'] - self.coor['x'].reshape(self.sites, 1)
dif_y = self.coor['y'] - self.coor['y'].reshape(self.sites, 1)
ind = np.argwhere((dif_x == -1) & (dif_y == 1))
n = len(ind[:, 0])
ind_b = ind[self.coor['tag'][ind[:, 0]] == b'b']
ind_c = ind[self.coor['tag'][ind[:, 0]] == b'c']
hop_nn = np.zeros(2*n, {'names': ['i', 'j', 't', 'tag'],
'formats': ['u4', 'u4', 'c16', 'S2']})
hop_nn['i'][:n] = ind[:, 0]
hop_nn['j'][:n] = ind[:, 1]
for i, j in zip(ind_b[:,0], ind_b[:,1]):
td = np.sqrt(self.hop['t'][(self.hop['i'] == i-1) & (self.hop['j'] == i)] ** 2 +
self.hop['t'][(self.hop['i'] == i-1) & (self.hop['j'] == j)] ** 2)
hop_nn['t'][(hop_nn['i'] == i) & (hop_nn['j'] == j)] = nn * td
hop_nn['tag'][(hop_nn['i'] == i) & (hop_nn['j'] == j)] = b'-+'
for i, j in zip(ind_c[:,0], ind_c[:,1]):
td = np.sqrt(self.hop['t'][(self.hop['i'] == i) & (self.hop['j'] == j+1)] ** 2 +
self.hop['t'][(self.hop['i'] == j) & (self.hop['j'] == j+1)] ** 2)
hop_nn['t'][(hop_nn['i'] == i) & (hop_nn['j'] == j)] = nn * td
hop_nn['tag'][(hop_nn['i'] == i) & (hop_nn['j'] == j)] = b'+-'
ind = np.argwhere((dif_x == 1) & (dif_y == 1))
n = len(ind[:, 0])
ind_b = ind[self.coor['tag'][ind[:, 0]] == b'b']
ind_c = ind[self.coor['tag'][ind[:, 0]] == b'c']
ind_ord = ind[self.coor['tag'][ind[:, 0]] == b'b']
hop_nn['i'][n:] = ind[:, 0]
hop_nn['j'][n:] = ind[:, 1]
for i, j in zip(ind_b[:,0], ind_b[:,1]):
td = np.sqrt(self.hop['t'][(self.hop['i'] == i) & (self.hop['j'] == i+1)] ** 2 +
self.hop['t'][(self.hop['i'] == i+1) & (self.hop['j'] == j)] ** 2)
hop_nn['t'][(hop_nn['i'] == i) & (hop_nn['j'] == j)] = nn * td
hop_nn['tag'][(hop_nn['i'] == i) & (hop_nn['j'] == j)] = b'++'
for i, j in zip(ind_c[:,0], ind_c[:,1]):
td = np.sqrt(self.hop['t'][(self.hop['i'] == j-1) & (self.hop['j'] == j)] ** 2 +
self.hop['t'][(self.hop['i'] == i) & (self.hop['j'] == j-1)] ** 2)
hop_nn['t'][(hop_nn['i'] == i) & (hop_nn['j'] == j)] = nn * td
hop_nn['tag'][(hop_nn['i'] == i) & (hop_nn['j'] == j)] = b'--'
self.hop = np.concatenate([self.hop, hop_nn])
[docs] def set_dim_defect(self, dim_x=-1, dim_y=-1):
Set dimerization defects along :math:`x` and/or :math:`y`.
:param dim_x: Default value -1 (no defect). Dimerization along :math:`x` site index.
:param dim_x: Default value -1 (no defect). Dimerization along :math:`y` site index.
ta = self.hop['t'][self.hop['tag'] == b'ab'][0]
tb = self.hop['t'][self.hop['tag'] == b'ba'][0]
tc = self.hop['t'][self.hop['tag'] == b'ac'][0]
td = self.hop['t'][self.hop['tag'] == b'ca'][0]
if dim_x > 1:
self.hop['t'][(self.hop['tag'] == b'ab') &
(self.coor['x'][self.hop['i']] >= dim_x)] = tb
self.hop['t'][(self.hop['tag'] == b'ba') &
(self.coor['x'][self.hop['i']] >= dim_x)] = ta
if dim_y > 1:
self.hop['t'][(self.hop['tag'] == b'ac') &
(self.coor['y'][self.hop['i']] >= dim_y)] = td
self.hop['t'][(self.hop['tag'] == b'ca') &
(self.coor['y'][self.hop['i']] >= dim_y)] = tc
[docs] def set_disorder_pair(self, alpha):
Set a non generic disorder.
:param alpha: Stength of the disorder.
.. note ::
This disorder preserves the zero mode.
self.alpha = alpha
sites_x = len(self.coor['tag'][self.coor['y'] == 0])
sites_y = len(self.coor['tag'][self.coor['x'] == 0])
for y in range(0, sites_y, 2):
rand_x = 1 + alpha * rand.uniform(-.5, .5, sites_x-1)
rand_x[1::2] = rand_x[0::2]
self.hop['t'][((self.hop['tag'] == b'ab') | (self.hop['tag'] == b'ba')) &
(self.coor['y'][self.hop['i']] == y)] *= rand_x
for x in range(0, sites_x, 2):
rand_y = 1 + alpha * rand.uniform(-.5, .5, sites_y-1)
rand_y[1::2] = rand_y[0::2]
self.hop['t'][((self.hop['tag'] == b'ac') | (self.hop['tag'] == b'ca')) &
(self.coor['x'][self.hop['i']] == x)] *= rand_y
[docs] def set_disorder_placket(self, alpha):
Set a non generic disorder.
:param alpha: Stength of the disorder.
.. note ::
This disorder preserves the zero mode.
self.alpha = alpha
lx, ly = 2, 2
sites_x = len(self.coor['tag'][self.coor['y'] == 0])
sites_y = len(self.coor['tag'][self.coor['x'] == 0])
self.hop['t'] *= 1+ alpha * rand.uniform(-.5, .5, len(self.hop['tag']))
for i, j in [(i, j) for i in range((sites_x-1)//2) for j in range((sites_y-1)//2)]:
hop_p = self.hop[(self.coor['x'][self.hop['i']]>i*lx-0.1) &
(self.coor['x'][self.hop['i']]<(i+1)*lx+0.1) &
(self.coor['y'][self.hop['i']]>j*ly-0.1) &
(self.coor['y'][self.hop['i']]<(j+1)*ly+0.1) &
(self.coor['x'][self.hop['j']]>i*lx-0.1) &
(self.coor['x'][self.hop['j']]<(i+1)*lx+0.1) &
(self.coor['y'][self.hop['j']]>j*ly-0.1) &
self.hop['t'][(self.hop['i'] == hop_p['i'][7]) & (self.hop['j'] == hop_p['j'][7])] = \
hop_p['t'][0]*hop_p['t'][3]*hop_p['t'][5]*hop_p['t'][6] / \
[docs] def set_magnetic_field(self, theta):
Add Pierls phases to the hoppings.
:param nx: Number of sites along math:`x`. (Input of the class **latticeTB**)
.. note ::
This disorder preserves the zero mode.
sites_x = len(self.coor['tag'][self.coor['y'] == 0])
for x in range(sites_x):
self.hop['t'][((self.hop['tag'] == b'ac') | (self.hop['tag'] == b'ca'))
& (self.coor['x'][self.hop['i']] == x)] *= \
np.exp(1j * theta * (x // 2))
[docs] def get_butterfly(self, N):
Get energies depending on phase.
:param N: Number of spectra.
t = 1.
self.thetas = np.linspace(0, pi, N)
self.butterfly = np.zeros((self.sites, N))
for i, theta in enumerate(self.thetas):
self.set_hop_alt(t, t, t, t)
self.butterfly[:, i] = LA.eigvalsh(self.ham.toarray())
for b in self.butterfly:
plt.plot(self.thetas, b, 'b')
[docs]class plotLieb(plotTB):
Plot the output of the class **latticeTB** and the class **eigTB**.
def __init__(self, sys):
plotTB.__init__(self, sys)
self.coor = sys.coor
self.hop = sys.hop
self.coor_hop = np.array([], {'names': ['x', 'y'], 'formats': ['f8', 'f8']})
[docs] def plt_lattice_hop(self, ms=20, lw=1):
Plot the coordinates of the Lieb lattice sites in hoppings space.
:param hop: Hoppings.
:param nx: Number of sites along :math:`x`.
:param ny: Number of sites along :math:`y`.
:param ms: Default value 20. Markersize.
lx, ly = 2, 2
sites_x = len(self.coor['tag'][self.coor['y'] == 0])
sites_y = len(self.coor['tag'][self.coor['x'] == 0])
fig, ax = plt.subplots()
coor_hop = np.copy(self.coor)
# coordinates at the bottom
coor_hop['x'][1: sites_x] = np.cumsum(self.hop['t'][: sites_x-1].real)
# coordinates at the left
ty = self.hop['t'][((self.hop['tag'] == b'ac') | (self.hop['tag'] == b'ca')) & \
(self.coor['x'][self.hop['i']] >-0.01) & (self.coor['x'][self.hop['i']] < 0.01) & \
(self.coor['x'][self.hop['j']] >-0.01) & (self.coor['x'][self.hop['j']] < 0.01)].real
coor_hop['y'][(self.coor['x'] >-0.01) & (self.coor['x'] < 0.01)
& (self.coor['y'] > 0)] = np.cumsum(ty)
# loop over each plaquette
for i, j in [(i, j) for i in range(sites_x//2) for j in range(sites_y//2)]:
ind_r = np.where((self.coor['x']>i*lx-0.1) & (self.coor['x']<(i+1)*lx+0.1) &
(self.coor['y']>j*ly-0.1) & (self.coor['y']<(j+1)*ly+0.1))
ind_r = np.ravel(ind_r)
cond_h = (self.coor['x'][self.hop['i']]>i*lx-0.1) & (self.coor['x'][self.hop['i']]<(i+1)*lx+0.1) & \
(self.coor['y'][self.hop['i']]>j*ly-0.1) & (self.coor['y'][self.hop['i']]<(j+1)*ly+0.1) & \
(self.coor['x'][self.hop['j']]>i*lx-0.1) & (self.coor['x'][self.hop['j']]<(i+1)*lx+0.1) & \
(self.coor['y'][self.hop['j']]>j*ly-0.1) & (self.coor['y'][self.hop['j']]<(j+1)*ly+0.1)
hop_p = self.hop['t'][cond_h].real
tx0, tx1, tx2, tx3 = hop_p[0], hop_p[1], hop_p[2], hop_p[3]
ty0, ty2, ty1, ty3 = hop_p[4], hop_p[5], hop_p[6], hop_p[7]
p = (coor_hop['x'][ind_r[5]], coor_hop['y'][ind_r[5]],
coor_hop['x'][ind_r[2]], coor_hop['y'][ind_r[2]], tx2+tx3, ty2+ty3)
if np.sqrt((p[0]-p[2])**2+(p[1]-p[3])**2) > p[4]+p[5]:
print('Lattice construction in hopping space is not possible.')
raise Exception('\n\nRun again or decrease the strength '
'of the disorder.\n\n')
ang_x, ang_y = fsolve(equations, (0., 0.5*pi), (p,))
coor_hop['x'][ind_r[4]] = coor_hop['x'][ind_r[2]] + ty2*cos(ang_y)
coor_hop['y'][ind_r[4]] = coor_hop['y'][ind_r[2]] + ty2*sin(ang_y)
coor_hop['x'][ind_r[6]] = coor_hop['x'][ind_r[5]] + tx2*cos(ang_x)
coor_hop['y'][ind_r[6]] = coor_hop['y'][ind_r[5]] + tx2*sin(ang_x)
coor_hop['x'][ind_r[7]] = coor_hop['x'][ind_r[4]] + ty3*cos(ang_y)
coor_hop['y'][ind_r[7]] = coor_hop['y'][ind_r[4]] + ty3*sin(ang_y)
self.coor_hop = coor_hop
# plot bonds
for i in range(len(self.hop)):
plt.plot([coor_hop['x'][self.hop['i'][i]], coor_hop['x'][self.hop['j'][i]]],
[coor_hop['y'][self.hop['i'][i]], coor_hop['y'][self.hop['j'][i]]],
'k', lw=lw)
# plot sites
for t, c in zip(self.sys.tags, self.colors):
plt.plot(coor_hop['x'][coor_hop['tag'] == t],
coor_hop['y'][coor_hop['tag'] == t],
'o', color=c, ms=ms, markeredgecolor='none')
xlim = [np.min(coor_hop['x'])-.5, np.max(coor_hop['x'])+.5]
ylim = [np.min(coor_hop['y'])-.5, np.max(coor_hop['y'])+.5]
return fig
[docs] def plt_dispersion(self, ta, tb, tc, td, nn=0., fs=20, N=100):
Plot the relation dispersion of the Lieb lattice.
:param ta: Hoppings.
:param nx: Number of sites along :math:`x`.
:param ny: Number of sites along :math:`y`.
:param ms: Default value 20. Markersize.
fig = plt.figure()
ax = fig.gca(projection='3d')
Ek = np.zeros((N, N, 3))
kx = np.linspace(0, 2*pi, N)
ky = np.linspace(0, 2*pi, N)
if not nn:
kx , ky = np.meshgrid(kx , ky)
f = ta + tb * np.exp(-1j * kx)
g = tc + td * np.exp(-1j * ky)
en = np.sqrt(np.abs(f) **2 + np.abs(g) **2)
Ek[:, :, 0] = - en
Ek[:, :, 1] = 0
Ek[:, :, 2] = en
f = ta + tb * np.exp(-1j * kx)
g = tc + td * np.exp(-1j * ky)
t1 = nn * sqrt(ta **2+tc **2)
t2 = nn * sqrt(tb **2+tc **2)
t3 = nn * sqrt(ta **2+td **2)
t4 = nn * sqrt(tb **2+td **2)
for i, j in [(i, j) for i in range(N) for j in range(N)]:
l = t1 + t2 * cexp(1j * kx[i]) + t3 * cexp(-1j * ky[j]) \
+ t4 * cexp(1j *( kx[i] - ky[j]))
h = np.array([[0., f[i], g[j]],
[f[i].conj(), 0., l],
[g[j].conjugate(), l.conjugate(), 0.]])
Ek[i, j, :] = LA.eigvalsh(h)
kx , ky = np.meshgrid(kx , ky)
alpha = 0.8
ax.plot_surface(kx, ky, Ek[:, :, 0], linewidth=0.1, antialiased=True,
shade=True, alpha=alpha, color='b')
ax.plot_surface(kx, ky, Ek[:, :, 1], linewidth=0.1, antialiased=True,
shade=True, alpha=alpha, color='g')
ax.plot_surface(kx, ky, Ek[:, :, 2], linewidth=0.1, antialiased=True,
shade=True, alpha=alpha, color='r')
plt.title('$E(\mathbf{k})$', fontsize=fs)
ax.set_xlabel('$k_x$', fontsize=fs)
ax.set_ylabel('$k_y$', fontsize=fs)
return fig
[docs]def equations(p, param):
Get the intersection of the points at the extremity of two segments.
Used to build up the lattice in hopping space.
(ta, tb) = p
xa, ya, xb, yb, la, lb = param
return (xa+la*cos(ta)-xb-lb*cos(tb),