
This is the primary site for the distribution of the python package graphene_flake, from Charles Poli at Lancaster University.


The graphene_flake package models a tight-binding graphene flake submited to inhomogeneous triaxial linear strain [Sch13], [Pol14].

The lattice is defined by two sublattices labeled A and B, and three hoppings: t_1, t_2, t_3, and three bond vectors : \rho_1, \rho_2, \rho_3.


In presence of the triaxial linear train, the hoppings are given by:

t_l = t [1 + (\beta/2)\boldsymbol{\rho}_l . \mathbf{r}_l]\, , \quad \text{with}, l=1,2, 3.

The resulting strain-induced hopping pattern:


The class graphene_flake can

  • obtain the spectrum (eigenenergies of the tight-binding Hamiltonian) and the probability densities of the states of the system (modulus squared eigenvectors of the Hamiltonian).
  • select states by introducing a condition on the eigenenergies.
  • Analyze the degeneracy and the wavefunction support of the pLLs.
  • Analyze the evolution of the eigenenergies depending on the strength of the strain (analogous to the Hofstadter’s butterfly).
  • Analyze the vortex-induced localized states appearing between pLLs.


[Sch13]H. Schomerus, Parity Anomaly and Landau-Level Lasing in Strained Photonic Honeycomb Lattices. Phys. Rev. Lett. 110, 013903 (2013)
[Pol14]C. Poli, J. Arkinstall, and H. Schomerus, Degeneracy doubling and sublattice polarization in strain-induced pseudo-Landau levels. Phys. Rev. B 90, 155418 (2014).


Please send comments or suggestions for improvement to cpoli83 at hotmail dot fr