Strained Graphene

graphene_flake is a package providing a Python implementation of graphene flakes. It can be used to build up and solve tight-binding model, analyze the pseudo Landau levels (pLLs) creation, their wavefunction support, and vortex-induced defect states.


graphene_flake is available at

To use graphene_flake, you need to install the programming language python and three additional packages:

  • python 3.x
  • numpy
  • scipy
  • matplotlib

Quick example

This example shows how to define a hexagonal strained graphene flake with zizzag-terminated edges, examples.

from graphene_flake import * # import graphene_flake model class

flake = tri_to_hexa_zz(sites_base=10, sites_cut=0, t_1=1., t_2=1., t_3=1.)
flake.plt_lattice(s=150, save=True)
flake.get_eig_lin_strain(strain=0., eig_vec=True, vortex=False)
flake.plt_spec(no_bins=41, ener_lim=[-2., 2.], plt_pola=True, save=True)
flake.get_states_selec(e_min=-0.005, e_max=0.005)
flake.plt_states_selec(coef=50000, plt_bonds=True, plt_axis=False, save=True)
_images/spec_N144_0,0.png _images/states_N144_0,0_-0,005_0,005.png


N sites at the base of the triangle flake lead to N zero-modes. The zero-modes are uniquely localized on the A sublattice (represented in blue). The existence of the zero-modes are due to N extra A sites.