Source code for graphene_flake

The **graphene_flake** package models a tight-binding graphene flake submitted to
inhomenehous strain leading to a uniform pseudo magnetic field and pseudo Landau
levels (pLLs).
**graphene_flake** is available at

import numpy as np
import numpy.linalg as la
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from numpy import arange
import scipy.sparse as sparse
from math import sqrt
import os

[docs]class graphene_flake: r""" This is the mother class of the **graphene_flake** package which solve the eigenvalue problem, plot the spectrum, and get the Hofstater butterfly. The methods of this class are generic and works for any kind of flake. Example usage:: # | # B # / \ # A A # # with the three hoppings: # t_1 | # t_2 / # t_3 \ :param t_1: Hopping parameter t_1. :param t_2: Hopping parameter t_2. :param t_3: Hopping parameter t_3. :param ext: Format of the figures to be saved. """ def __init__(self, t_1, t_2, t_3, ext): if not isinstance(t_1, (int, float)) or t_1 <= 0.: raise Exception('\n\nArgument t_1 not a positive number.\n') if not isinstance(t_2, (int, float)) or t_2 <= 0.: raise Exception('\n\nArgument t_2 not a positive number.\n') if not isinstance(t_3, (int, float)) or t_3 == 0.: raise Exception('\n\Argument t_3 not a positive number.\n') self.t_1 = t_1 self.t_2 = t_2 self.t_3 = t_3 self.sites = -1 self.sites_a = -1 self.sites_b = -1 self.dx = sqrt(3.)/2. self.dy = 0.5 self.strain = 0. self.ind_max_x = 0 self.ind_max_y = 0 self.e_min = 0. self.e_max = 0. self.vortex = False self.vacancy = False self.vacancy_ind = -1 self.ext = ext self.ind_a = np.array([]) self.ind_b = np.array([]) self.sites_x = np.array([]) self.sites_tot_x = np.array([]) self.bonds_x = np.array([]) self.bonds_tot_x = np.array([]) self.bonds_y = np.array([]) self.bonds_tot_y = np.array([]) self.coor_x = np.array([]) self.coor_y = np.array([]) self.coor_hop_x = np.array([]) self.coor_hop_y = np.array([]) self.hop_x = [] self.hop_y = [] self.eig_ener = np.array([]) self.eig_vec = np.array([]) self.eig_pola = np.array([]) self.energy_selec = np.array([]) self.density_selec = np.zeros([]) self.check_dir()
[docs] def get_indices(self): """ Get the indices associated with A and B sublattices. """ print('get_indices', self.sites_tot_x[-1]) self.ind_a = -np.ones(self.sites_tot_x[-1], int) self.ind_a = -np.ones(self.sites_tot_x[-1], int) self.ind_b = -np.ones(self.sites_tot_x[-1], int) for i in range(self.rows_a): self.ind_a[self.sites_tot_x[2*i]: self.sites_tot_x[2*i+1]] = \ range(self.sites_tot_x[2*i], self.sites_tot_x[2*i+1]) for i in range(self.rows_b): self.ind_b[self.sites_tot_x[2*i+1]: self.sites_tot_x[2*i+2]] = \ range(self.sites_tot_x[2*i+1], self.sites_tot_x[2*i+2]) ind_b = np.flatnonzero(self.ind_a==-1) ind_a = np.flatnonzero(self.ind_b==-1) self.ind_b = np.delete(self.ind_b, ind_a) self.ind_a = np.delete(self.ind_a, ind_b)
[docs] def get_eig_lin_strain(self, strain, eig_vec=False, vortex=False, vacancy=False, row_vacancy=0): r""" Build up the Hamiltonian :math:`H` and solve the eigenvalue problem :math:`H|\psi_n\rangle=E_n|\psi_n\rangle`. :param strain: Default value 0. Strength of the strain. :param eig_vec: Default value False. Get and store the eigenvectors. :param vortex: Default value False. Create a vortex at the middle of flake. .. note:: The vortex is created by changing the sign of the hopppings :math:`t_1\rightarrow -t_1`, for half of the bonds in the row at the middle of the flake. """ if not isinstance(strain, (int, float)): raise Exception('\n\nArgument strain not a number.\n') if not isinstance(eig_vec, bool): raise Exception('\n\nArgument eig_vec not a boolean.\n') if not isinstance(vortex, bool): raise Exception('\n\Argument vortex not a boolean.\n') self.strain = strain self.vortex = vortex self.vacancy = vacancy self.row_vacancy = row_vacancy # hoppings t_1 (along the y direction) ind_ham_y_a = np.zeros(self.bonds_tot_y[self.ind_max_y]) ind_ham_y_b = np.zeros(self.bonds_tot_y[self.ind_max_y]) self.hop_y = np.zeros(self.bonds_tot_y[self.ind_max_y]) for i in range(self.ind_max_y): ym_1 = 0.5*(self.coor_y[self.sites_tot_x[2*i+1]] + self.coor_y[self.sites_tot_x[2*i+2]]) ind_ham_y_a[self.bonds_tot_y[i]: self.bonds_tot_y[i+1]] = \ arange(self.sites_tot_x[2*i+2], self.sites_tot_x[2*i+3]) ind_ham_y_b[self.bonds_tot_y[i]: self.bonds_tot_y[i+1]] = \ arange(self.sites_tot_x[2*i+1], self.sites_tot_x[2*i+2]) self.hop_y[self.bonds_tot_y[i]:self.bonds_tot_y[i+1]] = \ self.t_1*(1.+0.5*strain*ym_1) # hoppings t_2 and t_3 (along the x direction) len_x = len(self.sites_tot_x)//2-1 ind_ham_x_a = np.zeros(self.bonds_tot_x[-1]) ind_ham_x_b = np.zeros(self.bonds_tot_x[-1]) self.hop_x = np.zeros(self.bonds_tot_x[-1]) for i in range(self.ind_max_x): # AB row starting with a B site if (self.coor_x[self.sites_tot_x[2*i+1]]-self.coor_x[self.sites_tot_x[2*i]]) < 0.: xm_2 = 0.5*(self.coor_x[self.sites_tot_x[2*i]:self.sites_tot_x[2*i+1]] + self.coor_x[1+self.sites_tot_x[2*i+1]:self.sites_tot_x[2*i+2]]) xm_3 = 0.5*(self.coor_x[self.sites_tot_x[2*i]:self.sites_tot_x[2*i+1]] + self.coor_x[self.sites_tot_x[2*i+1]:self.sites_tot_x[2*i+2]-1]) ym = 0.5*(self.coor_y[self.sites_tot_x[2*i]]+self.coor_y[self.sites_tot_x[2*i+1]]) sc_t2 = -self.dx*xm_2-0.5*ym sc_t3 = self.dx*xm_3-0.5*ym ind_ham_x_a[self.bonds_tot_x[2*i]:self.bonds_tot_x[2*i+1]] = \ arange(0+self.sites_tot_x[2*i], self.sites_tot_x[2*i+1]) ind_ham_x_b[self.bonds_tot_x[2*i]:self.bonds_tot_x[2*i+1]] = \ arange(1+self.sites_tot_x[2*i+1], self.sites_tot_x[2*i+2]) self.hop_x[self.bonds_tot_x[2*i]:self.bonds_tot_x[2*i+1]] = \ self.t_2*(1.+0.5*strain*sc_t2) ind_ham_x_a[self.bonds_tot_x[2*i+1]:self.bonds_tot_x[2*i+2]] = \ arange(self.sites_tot_x[2*i], self.sites_tot_x[2*i+1]) ind_ham_x_b[self.bonds_tot_x[2*i+1]:self.bonds_tot_x[2*i+2]] = \ arange(self.sites_tot_x[2*i+1], self.sites_tot_x[2*i+2]-1) self.hop_x[self.bonds_tot_x[2*i+1]:self.bonds_tot_x[2*i+2]] = \ self.t_3*(1.+0.5*strain*sc_t3) # AB row starting with a A site else: xm_2 = 0.5*(self.coor_x[self.sites_tot_x[2*i]:self.sites_tot_x[2*i+1]-1] + self.coor_x[self.sites_tot_x[2*i+1]:self.sites_tot_x[2*i+2]]) xm_3 = 0.5*(self.coor_x[1+self.sites_tot_x[2*i]:self.sites_tot_x[2*i+1]] + self.coor_x[self.sites_tot_x[2*i+1]:self.sites_tot_x[2*i+2]]) ym = 0.5*(self.coor_y[self.sites_tot_x[2*i]]+self.coor_y[self.sites_tot_x[2*i+1]]) sc_t2 = -self.dx*xm_2-0.5*ym sc_t3 = self.dx*xm_3-0.5*ym ind_ham_x_a[self.bonds_tot_x[2*i]: self.bonds_tot_x[2*i+1]] = \ arange(1+self.sites_tot_x[2*i], self.sites_tot_x[2*i+1]) ind_ham_x_b[self.bonds_tot_x[2*i]: self.bonds_tot_x[2*i+1]] = \ arange(0+self.sites_tot_x[2*i+1], self.sites_tot_x[2*i+2]) self.hop_x[self.bonds_tot_x[2*i]: self.bonds_tot_x[2*i+1]] = \ self.t_3*(1.+0.5*strain*sc_t3) ind_ham_x_a[self.bonds_tot_x[2*i+1]: self.bonds_tot_x[2*i+2]] = \ arange(self.sites_tot_x[2*i], self.sites_tot_x[2*i+1]-1) ind_ham_x_b[self.bonds_tot_x[2*i+1]: self.bonds_tot_x[2*i+2]] = \ arange(self.sites_tot_x[2*i+1], self.sites_tot_x[2*i+2]) self.hop_x[self.bonds_tot_x[2*i+1]: self.bonds_tot_x[2*i+2]] = \ self.t_2*(1.+0.5*strain*sc_t2) # hexagonal flake ''' if vortex: i_vortex = self.ind_max_y//2 self.hop_y[self.bonds_tot_y[i_vortex]: self.bonds_tot_y[i_vortex]+self.bonds_y[i_vortex]//2+1] *= -1 ''' # triangular flake if vortex: i_vortex = self.ind_max_y//3 self.hop_y[self.bonds_tot_y[i_vortex]: self.bonds_tot_y[i_vortex]+self.bonds_y[i_vortex]//2] *= -1 iA = np.concatenate([ind_ham_x_a, ind_ham_x_b, ind_ham_y_a, ind_ham_y_b]) iB = np.concatenate([ind_ham_x_b, ind_ham_x_a, ind_ham_y_b, ind_ham_y_a]) hop = np.concatenate([self.hop_x, self.hop_x, self.hop_y, self.hop_y]) ham = sparse.csr_matrix((hop, (iA, iB)), shape=(self.sites, self.sites)) ham = ham.toarray() if vacancy: ham = np.delete(ham, self.sites_tot_x[self.row_vacancy]+self.sites_x[self.row_vacancy+1]//2, 0) ham = np.delete(ham, self.sites_tot_x[self.row_vacancy]+self.sites_x[self.row_vacancy+1]//2, 1) mask = np.ones(self.sites_tot_x[-1], dtype=bool) mask[self.sites_tot_x[self.row_vacancy]+self.sites_x[self.row_vacancy+1]//2] = False self.coor_x = self.coor_x[mask] self.coor_y = self.coor_y[mask] self.sites_x[self.row_vacancy+1] -= 1 self.sites -= 1 for i in range(1, len(self.sites_x)): self.sites_tot_x[i] = np.sum(self.sites_x[1:i+1]) self.get_indices() print('solve the eigenvalue problem') if eig_vec: self.eig_ener, self.eig_vec = la.linalg.eigh(ham) self.eig_pola = \ np.array([[self.ind_a, i], self.eig_vec[self.ind_a, i]) for i in range(self.sites)]) else: self.eig_ener = la.linalg.eigvalsh(ham)
[docs] def get_states_selec(self, e_min, e_max): r""" Get, if any, the wave function support of the states between *e_min* and *e_max*. """ if not isinstance(e_min, float) or not isinstance(e_max, float): raise Exception('\n\nArguments e_min and e_max not float.\n') if not self.eig_vec.any(): raise Exception('\n\nRun the method get_eig_lin_strain() with eig_vec=True.\n') self.e_min, self.e_max = e_min, e_max self.density_selec = np.zeros(len(self.eig_ener), float) index = np.array(((self.eig_ener > e_min) & (self.eig_ener < e_max)).nonzero()) index = np.argwhere((self.eig_ener>e_min) & (self.eig_ener<e_max)) index = np.ravel(index) if index.any(): m = len(index) print('GET {} STATE(S) between {} and {}:'.format(m, e_min, e_max)) self.energy_selec = np.empty(m) for i in range(m): self.density_selec += np.abs(self.eig_vec[:, index[i]])**2 self.density_selec /= m print('A sublattice polarization ', np.sum(self.density_selec[self.ind_a])) print('B sublattice polarization ', np.sum(self.density_selec[self.ind_b])) else: print('NO STATES in the selected range.')
[docs] def get_butterfly(self, nbr_points=100, ener_lim=[-2., 2.], vortex=False, save=True): strain_max_neg, strain_max_pos = self.get_lin_strain_lims() strain_vec = np.linspace(strain_max_neg, strain_max_pos, nbr_points) self.get_eig_lin_strain(strain=0., eig_vec=False, vortex=vortex) ind_en = np.argwhere((self.eig_ener>ener_lim[0]) & (self.eig_ener<ener_lim[1])) ind_en = np.ravel(ind_en) mat_ener = np.empty((len(ind_en), nbr_points)) for i, s in enumerate(strain_vec): print(i, s) self.get_eig_lin_strain(strain=s, eig_vec=False, vortex=vortex) mat_ener[:, i] = self.eig_ener[ind_en] fig, ax = plt.subplots() fig.canvas.set_window_title('BUTTERFLY') ax.set_xlabel(r'$\beta/\beta_{max}$', fontsize=20) ax.set_ylabel('$E$', fontsize=20) ax.set_xticks((strain_max_pos, 0.5*strain_max_pos, 0., -0.5*strain_max_pos, -strain_max_pos)) ax.set_xticklabels(('-1', '-1/2', '0', '1/2', '1')) ax.set_xlim([strain_vec[0], strain_vec[-1]]) ax.set_ylim(ener_lim) for i in range(len(ind_en)): plt.plot(strain_vec, mat_ener[i, :], color='#00008B') fig.set_tight_layout(True) plt.draw() if save: name_fig = 'N'+str(self.sites) if self.vortex: name_fig += 'vor' fig.savefig('figs/butterfly_'+name_fig+'.png', format='png')
[docs] def plt_spec(self, nbr_bins=101, ener_lim=[-1., 1.], ms=10, plt_pola=False, save=False): """ Plot the spectrum in two different ways: * energy level staircase. * number of states (histogram). :param nbr_bins: Default value 101. Number of bins of the histogram. :param ener_lim: Default value [-1.5, 1.5]. list of the energy min and max. :param ms: Default value 10. Size of the markers. :param save: Default value False. Save the two figures. """ if not isinstance(nbr_bins, int) or nbr_bins<=0: raise Exception('\n\nArgument nbr_bins not a positive integers.\n') if not isinstance(ener_lim, list) or len(ener_lim) != 2: raise Exception('\n\nArgument ener_lim not a list of dim 2.\n') if not isinstance(save, bool): raise Exception('\n\Argument save not a boolean.\n') fig, ax1 = plt.subplots() fig.canvas.set_window_title('SPECTRUM') ax1.set_xlabel('$j/N$', fontsize=20) ax1.set_ylabel('E/t', fontsize=20) ind_min = np.argmin(np.abs(self.eig_ener-ener_lim[0])) ind_max = np.argmin(np.abs(self.eig_ener-ener_lim[1])) ind_en = np.argwhere((self.eig_ener>ener_lim[0]) & (self.eig_ener<ener_lim[1])) ind_en = np.ravel(ind_en) en = self.eig_ener[ind_en] ind = np.arange(self.sites)-self.sites//2 ind = ind[ind_en] ax1.set_ylim([en[0], en[-1]]) ax1.set_xlim([ind[0], ind[-1]]) ax1.plot(ind, en, '.', color='#00008B', ms=ms) if self.eig_pola.any() and plt_pola: for label in ax1.get_yticklabels(): label.set_color('blue') ax1.set_ylabel('E/t', fontsize=20, color='blue') ax2 = ax1.twinx() ax2.plot(ind, self.eig_pola[ind_en], '.r', ms=6) ax2.set_yticks([0, 0.5, 1]) ax2.set_ylabel(r'$\langle A|A\rangle$', fontsize=20, color='red') ax2.set_ylim([-0.1, 1.1]) ax2.set_xlim([ind[0], ind[-1]]) for label in ax2.get_yticklabels(): label.set_color('red') if save: name_fig = 'N'+str(self.sites)+'_'+str(self.strain).replace('.', ',') if self.vortex: name_fig += 'vor' fig.savefig('figs/spec_'+name_fig+'.png', format='png') fig, ax = plt.subplots() fig.canvas.set_window_title('SPECTRUM') n, bins, patches = plt.hist(en, bins=nbr_bins, color='#00008B') ax.set_xlabel('$E$', fontsize=20) ax.set_ylabel('number of states', fontsize=20) ax.set_ylim([0, np.max(n)]) ax.set_xlim(ener_lim) if save: name_fig = 'N'+str(self.sites)+'_'+str(self.strain).replace('.', ',') if self.vortex: name_fig += 'vor' fig.savefig('figs/spec_hist'+name_fig+'.png', format='png') plt.draw()
[docs] def plt_states_selec(self, lw=1, coef=100000., fontsize=20, plt_sites=False, plt_bonds=False, plt_axis=False, save=False): """ Plot the sum of the probability densities satisfying the condition imposed by the method *get_states_cond*. :param lw: Default value 1. Line width of the bonds. :param coef: Default value 100000. Increase the area of the circles by a factor *coef*. :param fontsize: Default value 20. Size of the font used for the axis labels and the title. :param plt_bonds: Default value False. Plot the bonds. :param plt_bonds: Default value False. Plot the sites. :param save: Default value False. Save the figures. """ if not isinstance(coef, (int, float)) or coef<=0: print(isinstance(coef, float), coef<=0) raise Exception('\n\nArgument coef not a positive float.\n') if not isinstance(fontsize, int) or fontsize<=0: raise Exception('\n\nArgument fontsize not a positive integers.\n') if not isinstance(plt_sites, bool): raise Exception('\n\Argument plt_sites not a boolean.\n') if not isinstance(plt_bonds, bool): raise Exception('\n\Argument plt_bonds not a boolean.\n') if not isinstance(save, bool): raise Exception('\n\Argument save not a boolean.\n') if self.density_selec.any(): fig, ax = plt.subplots() fig.canvas.set_window_title('Sublattice polarized state(s)') ax.set_xlabel('$x$', fontsize=fontsize) ax.set_ylabel('$y$', fontsize=fontsize) plt.scatter(self.coor_x[self.ind_a], self.coor_y[self.ind_a], c='b', s=coef*self.density_selec[self.ind_a], alpha=0.5) plt.scatter(self.coor_x[self.ind_b], self.coor_y[self.ind_b], c='r', s=coef*self.density_selec[self.ind_b], alpha=0.5) ax.set_aspect('equal') ax.set_ylim([np.min(self.coor_y)-4., np.max(self.coor_y)+4.]) if not plt_axis: ax.axis('off') if plt_sites: plt.scatter(self.coor_x, self.coor_y, s=5, c='k') if plt_bonds: self.plt_bonds(self.coor_x, self.coor_y, lw=lw) plt.draw() if save: name_fig = 'N'+str(self.sites)+'_'+str(self.strain).replace('.', ',') name_fig += '_'+str(self.e_min).replace('.', ',')+'_'+str(self.e_max).replace('.', ',') if self.vortex: name_fig += 'vor' fig.savefig('figs/states_'+name_fig+'.'+self.ext, format=self.ext) else: print('NO SELECTED STATES\n')
[docs] def plt_lattice(self, lw=1, s=100, plt_sites=True, plt_bonds=True, plt_axis=False, save=False): """ Plot the lattice. Blue points correspond to the A sublattice. Red points correspond the the B sublattice. :param lw: Default value 1. Line width of the bonds. :param s: Default value 100. Area of each marker. :param plt_sites: Default True. Plot the sites. :param plt_bonds: Default True. Plot the bonds. :param plt_axis: Default False. Plot the axis. :param save: Default False. Save the figure. """ if not isinstance(s, int) or s<=0: raise Exception('\n\nArgument s not a positive integer.\n') if not isinstance(plt_sites, bool): raise Exception('\n\Argument plt_sites not a boolean.\n') if not isinstance(plt_bonds, bool): raise Exception('\n\Argument plt_bonds not a boolean.\n') if not isinstance(plt_axis, bool): raise Exception('\n\Argument plt_axis not a boolean.\n') if not isinstance(save, bool): raise Exception('\n\Argument save not a boolean.\n') fig, ax = plt.subplots() fig.canvas.set_window_title('LATTICE') ax.set_xlim([np.amin(self.coor_x)-2, np.amax(self.coor_x)+2]) ax.set_ylim([self.coor_y[0]-2, np.amax(self.coor_y)+2]) ax.set_aspect('equal') if not plt_axis: ax.axis('off') if plt_bonds: self.plt_bonds(self.coor_x, self.coor_y, lw=lw) print('self.vacancy', self.vacancy) if plt_sites: plt.scatter(self.coor_x[self.ind_a], self.coor_y[self.ind_a], s=s, c='b') plt.scatter(self.coor_x[self.ind_b], self.coor_y[self.ind_b], s=s, c='r') if save: name_fig = 'N'+str(self.sites)+'_'+str(self.strain).replace('.', ',') fig.savefig('figs/lattice_'+name_fig+'.png', format='png')
[docs] def plt_lattice_hop(self, lw=1, s=100, real_mw=False, plt_axis=False, plt_sites=True, plt_bonds=True, save=True): r""" Plot the lattice in hopping space. Blue points correspond to the A sublattice. Red points correspond the the B sublattice. :param lw: Default value 1. Line width of the bonds. :param s: Default value 100. Area of each marker. :param real_mw: Default value False. Plot the lattice in real space considering the microwave regime (:math:`t\approx 10` and :math:`d\approx 10mm`) :param plt_sites: Default False. Plot the sites. :param plt_bonds: Default False. Plot the bonds. :param plt_axis: Default False. Plot the axis. :param save: Default False. Save the figure. """ if not isinstance(s, int) or s<=0: raise Exception('\n\nArgument s not a positive integer.\n') if not isinstance(real_mw, bool): raise Exception('\n\Argument real_mw not a boolean.\n') if not isinstance(plt_sites, bool): raise Exception('\n\Argument plt_sites not a boolean.\n') if not isinstance(plt_bonds, bool): raise Exception('\n\Argument plt_bonds not a boolean.\n') if not isinstance(plt_axis, bool): raise Exception('\n\Argument plt_axis not a boolean.\n') if not isinstance(save, bool): raise Exception('\n\Argument save not a boolean.\n') if real_mw: hop_plt_x = hop_to_real_mw(np.abs(self.hop_x)) hop_plt_y = hop_to_real_mw(np.abs(self.hop_y)) else: hop_plt_x = np.abs(self.hop_x) hop_plt_y = np.abs(self.hop_y) self.get_coor_lin_strain(hop_plt_x, hop_plt_y) fig, ax = plt.subplots() ax.set_aspect('equal') if not plt_axis: ax.axis('off') if real_mw: fig.canvas.set_window_title('REAL SPACE') else: fig.canvas.set_window_title('HOPPINGS SPACE') ax.set_xlim([np.amin(self.coor_hop_x)-2., np.amax(self.coor_hop_x)+2.]) ax.set_ylim([np.amin(self.coor_hop_y)-2., np.amax(self.coor_hop_y)+2.]) if plt_sites: plt.scatter(self.coor_hop_x[self.ind_a], self.coor_hop_y[self.ind_a], s=s, c='b') plt.scatter(self.coor_hop_x[self.ind_b], self.coor_hop_y[self.ind_b], s=s, c='r') if plt_bonds: self.plt_bonds(self.coor_hop_x, self.coor_hop_y, lw=lw) if save: file_name = 'figs/coor_N{}_n{}_m{}_beta' \ .format(self.sites, self.sites_base, self.sites_cut) \ + str(self.strain).replace('.', ',') + '.txt' np.savetxt(file_name, np.c_[self.coor_x, self.coor_y]) name_fig = 'N'+str(self.sites)+'_'+str(self.strain).replace('.', ',') fig.savefig('figs/lattice_hop_'+name_fig+'.png', format='png') plt.draw()
[docs] def plt_bonds(self, coor_x, coor_y, lw=1): """ Plot the bonds of the lattice. """ # plot bonds along x for i in range(0, self.size_array_x-2, 2): if coor_x[self.sites_tot_x[i+1]] > coor_x[self.sites_tot_x[i]]: plt.plot([coor_x[self.sites_tot_x[i]: self.sites_tot_x[i+1]-1], coor_x[self.sites_tot_x[i+1]: self.sites_tot_x[i+2]]], [coor_y[self.sites_tot_x[i]: self.sites_tot_x[i+1]-1], coor_y[self.sites_tot_x[i+1] :self.sites_tot_x[i+2]]], 'k', lw=lw) # t2 plt.plot([coor_x[self.sites_tot_x[i]+1: self.sites_tot_x[i+1]], coor_x[self.sites_tot_x[i+1]: self.sites_tot_x[i+2]]], [coor_y[self.sites_tot_x[i]+1: self.sites_tot_x[i+1]], coor_y[self.sites_tot_x[i+1]: self.sites_tot_x[i+2]]], 'k', lw=lw) # t3 else: plt.plot([coor_x[self.sites_tot_x[i]: self.sites_tot_x[i+1]], coor_x[self.sites_tot_x[i+1]+1: self.sites_tot_x[i+2]]], [coor_y[self.sites_tot_x[i]: self.sites_tot_x[i+1]], coor_y[self.sites_tot_x[i+1]+1: self.sites_tot_x[i+2]]], 'k', lw=lw) # t2 plt.plot([coor_x[self.sites_tot_x[i]: self.sites_tot_x[i+1]], coor_x[self.sites_tot_x[i+1]: self.sites_tot_x[i+2]-1]], [coor_y[self.sites_tot_x[i]: self.sites_tot_x[i+1]], coor_y[self.sites_tot_x[i+1]: self.sites_tot_x[i+2]-1]], 'k', lw=lw) # t3 # plot bonds along y for i in range(1, self.size_array_y, 2): plt.plot([coor_x[self.sites_tot_x[i]: self.sites_tot_x[i+1]], coor_x[self.sites_tot_x[i+1]: self.sites_tot_x[i+2]]], [coor_y[self.sites_tot_x[i]: self.sites_tot_x[i+1]], coor_y[self.sites_tot_x[i+1]: self.sites_tot_x[i+2]]], 'k', lw=lw) # t1
[docs] def check_dir(self): """ Create if the directory to store the figures exists. """ if not os.path.exists('figs'): os.makedirs('figs')
[docs] def plt_show(self): """ Duplicate the matplotlib method *show* to avoid importing matplotlib to plot on screen the figures generated by the **graphene_flake** class. """
[docs]class tri_to_hexa_zz(graphene_flake): r""" This is a child class of **graphene_flake**. **tri_to_hexa_zz** models a triangular flake and the transition from triangular to hexagonal flake. The transition is obtained but cutting the edges of the triangular flake. Example usage:: # Triangular flake with one 3 sites at the base: # A 8 # | | # B 7 # / \ / \ # A A 5 6 # | | | | # B B 3 4 # / \ / \ / \ / \ # A A A 0 1 2 # # # Triangular flake with one 3 sites at the base and 1 cut: # B 7 # / \ / \ # A A 5 6 # | | | | # B B 3 4 # \ / \ / # A 1 # :param sites_base: Number of A sites at the base of the triangle. Min value 3. :param sites_cut: Default value 0. Number of cuts. * triangle: sites_cut = 0. * hexagon 0 < sites_cut :math:`\le` (sites_base+2)/3. * regular hexagon: sites_cut = (sites_base+2)/3. .. note:: 3*sites_cut*-2 :math:`\le` *sites_base*. :param t_1: Default value 1. Hopping parameter t_1. :param t_2: Default value 1. Hopping parameter t_2. :param t_3: Default value 1. Hopping parameter t_2. :param ext: Default value 'png'. Format of the saved figures. """ def __init__(self, sites_base, sites_cut=0, t_1=1., t_2=1., t_3=1., ext='png'): graphene_flake.__init__(self, t_1, t_2, t_3, ext=ext) if not isinstance(sites_base, int): raise Exception('\n\nArgument sites_base not a positive integers >= 3.\n') if not isinstance(sites_cut, int) or sites_cut<0 or sites_cut>((sites_base+2)//3): raise Exception('\n\nArgument sites_cut not a positive integers' 'between 0 and (sites_base+2)/3.\n') sites_dif = sites_base-sites_cut self.sites_base = sites_base self.sites_cut = sites_cut len_x = 2*sites_dif+5 self.bonds_x = np.zeros(len_x, int) self.sites_x = np.zeros(len_x, int) self.bonds_tot_x = np.zeros(len_x, int) self.sites_tot_x = np.zeros(len_x, int) self.bonds_x[1: 2*sites_cut+1: 2] = \ arange(sites_base-2*(sites_cut-1), sites_dif+2) self.bonds_x[2: 2*sites_cut+1: 2] = \ arange(sites_base-2*(sites_cut-1), sites_dif+2) self.bonds_x[2*sites_cut+1: len_x: 2] = \ arange(sites_dif+1, sites_cut-1, -1) self.bonds_x[2*sites_cut+2: len_x : 2] = \ arange(sites_dif+1, sites_cut-1, -1) if sites_cut == 0: self.sites_x[1] = sites_base+2 self.sites_x[2] = sites_base+1 else: self.sites_x[1] = sites_base self.sites_x[2] = sites_base+1 self.sites_x[3: len_x: 2] = arange(sites_base+1, sites_cut, -1) self.sites_x[4: len_x: 2] = arange(sites_base, sites_cut-1, -1) # vacancy, if needed, the edge sites at the bottom of the flake for i in range(2, sites_cut+1): self.sites_x[1: 2*i] -= 2 self.bonds_y = np.zeros(sites_dif+2, int) self.bonds_tot_y = np.zeros(sites_dif+2, int) if sites_cut == 0: self.bonds_y[1: sites_dif+2] = arange(sites_base+1, sites_cut, -1) else: self.bonds_y[1: 2+sites_cut-1] = \ arange(sites_base+1-2*(sites_cut-1), sites_base-sites_cut+3) self.bonds_y[1+sites_cut-1:sites_dif+2] = \ arange(sites_base+1-(sites_cut-1), sites_cut, -1) for i in range(1, sites_dif+2): self.bonds_tot_y[i] = np.sum(self.bonds_y[1:i+1]) for i in range(1, len_x): self.sites_tot_x[i] = np.sum(self.sites_x[1:i+1]) self.bonds_tot_x[i] = np.sum(self.bonds_x[1:i+1]) self.sites = self.sites_tot_x[len_x-1] self.sites_a = sum(self.sites_x[0: 2*sites_dif+4: 2]) self.sites_b = sum(self.sites_x[1: 2*sites_dif+4: 2]) # get the coordinates self.coor_x = np.zeros(self.sites) self.coor_y = np.zeros(self.sites) y = 0 for i in range(len_x-1): self.coor_x[self.sites_tot_x[i]: self.sites_tot_x[i+1]] = \ self.dx*arange(1-self.sites_x[i+1], self.sites_x[i+1]+1./2, 2.) self.coor_y[self.sites_tot_x[i]: self.sites_tot_x[i+1]] = y y += .5 if i%2 == 1: y += .5 center_y = sum(self.coor_y)/len(self.coor_y) self.coor_y -= center_y if sites_cut == 0: self.ind_max_x = sites_base + 1 self.size_array_x = 2*sites_base + 4 else: self.ind_max_x = sites_dif + 2 self.size_array_x = 2*sites_dif + 5 self.ind_max_y = sites_dif+1 self.size_array_y = 2*sites_dif+2 self.rows_a = len(self.sites_tot_x[0::2])-1 self.rows_b = len(self.sites_tot_x[1::2]) self.get_indices() print('number of sites', self.sites_tot_x[-1])
[docs] def get_lin_strain_lims(self): """ Get the maximal negative and positive strain keeping the hoppings positive. """ y_m = 0.5*(self.coor_y[self.sites_tot_x[1]]+self.coor_y[self.sites_tot_x[2]]) strain_max_pos = -2./y_m - 1e-4 print(self.coor_y[self.sites_tot_x[1]], self.coor_y[self.sites_tot_x[2]]) sites_dif = self.sites_base - self.sites_cut i = sites_dif+1 y_m = 0.5*(self.coor_y[self.sites_tot_x[2*i-1]]+self.coor_y[self.sites_tot_x[2*i]]) print(self.coor_y[self.sites_tot_x[2*i-1]], self.coor_y[self.sites_tot_x[2*i]]) strain_max_neg = -2./y_m + 1e-4 print('\nMaximal strain values keeping positive hoppings are between:') print(' ', strain_max_neg, ' ', strain_max_pos, '\n') return strain_max_neg, strain_max_pos
[docs] def get_coor_lin_strain(self, hop_plt_x, hop_plt_y): """ Get the lattice site positions in hopping space. Method essentially used to be plot the lattice in hopping space. :param hop_plt_x: array containing the hoppings (or distances) along x. :param hop_plt_y: array containing the hoppings (or distances) along y. """ sites_dif = self.sites_base - self.sites_cut hop_ord_x = np.zeros(self.bonds_tot_x[-1]) for i in range(self.ind_max_y+1): hop_ord_x[1+self.bonds_tot_x[2*i]: self.bonds_tot_x[2*(i+1)]: 2] = \ hop_plt_x[self.bonds_tot_x[2*i]: self.bonds_tot_x[2*i+1]] hop_ord_x[0+self.bonds_tot_x[2*i]: self.bonds_tot_x[2*(i+1)]: 2] = \ hop_plt_x[self.bonds_tot_x[2*i+1]: self.bonds_tot_x[2*i+2]] coor_ord_x = np.zeros(self.sites) coor_ord_y = np.zeros(self.sites) k= 0 # if the number of AB sites along x decreases l = 1 for j in range(self.sites_cut): for i in range(1+self.sites_tot_x[2*j], self.sites_tot_x[2*j+2]): coor_ord_x[i] = coor_ord_x[i-1] + self.dx*hop_ord_x[k] coor_ord_y[i] = coor_ord_y[i-1] + (-1)**l*self.dy*hop_ord_x[k] k += 1 l += 1 coor_ord_x[self.sites_tot_x[2*j+2]] = \ coor_ord_x[self.sites_tot_x[2*j]] - self.dx*hop_ord_x[k] coor_ord_y[self.sites_tot_x[2*j+2]] = \ coor_ord_y[self.sites_tot_x[2*j]] + self.dy*hop_ord_x[k] \ + hop_plt_y[self.bonds_tot_y[j]] # the interface, if any. if self.sites_cut > 0: coor_ord_x[self.sites_tot_x[2*j+2]] = coor_ord_x[self.sites_tot_x[2*j]] coor_ord_y[self.sites_tot_x[2*j+2]] = \ coor_ord_y[self.sites_tot_x[2*j]] + hop_plt_y[self.bonds_tot_y[j]] # if the number of AB sites along x increases l = 2 for j in range(self.sites_cut, sites_dif+2): for i in range(1+self.sites_tot_x[2*j], self.sites_tot_x[2*j+2]): coor_ord_x[i] = coor_ord_x[i-1] + self.dx*hop_ord_x[k] coor_ord_y[i] = coor_ord_y[i-1] + (-1)**l*self.dy*hop_ord_x[k] k += 1 l += 1 if j < sites_dif+1: coor_ord_x[self.sites_tot_x[2*j+2]] = coor_ord_x[1+self.sites_tot_x[2*j]] coor_ord_y[self.sites_tot_x[2*j+2]] = coor_ord_y[1+self.sites_tot_x[2*j]] \ + hop_plt_y[self.bonds_tot_y[j]] l = 2 ind_a = -np.ones(self.sites, int) ind_b = -np.ones(self.sites, int) for j in range(0, self.sites_cut): ind_a[self.sites_tot_x[2*j]: self.sites_tot_x[2*j+1]] = \ arange(self.sites_tot_x[2*j]+1, self.sites_tot_x[2*j+2], 2) for j in range(0, self.sites_cut): ind_b[self.sites_tot_x[2*j+1]: self.sites_tot_x[2*j+2]] = \ arange(self.sites_tot_x[2*j], self.sites_tot_x[2*j+2], 2) for j in range(self.sites_cut, sites_dif+2): ind_a[self.sites_tot_x[2*j]: self.sites_tot_x[2*j+1]] = \ arange(self.sites_tot_x[2*j], self.sites_tot_x[2*j+2], 2) for j in range(self.sites_cut, sites_dif+2): ind_b[self.sites_tot_x[2*j+1]: self.sites_tot_x[2*j+2]] = \ arange(self.sites_tot_x[2*j]+1, self.sites_tot_x[2*j+2], 2) find_ind_b = np.flatnonzero(ind_a==-1) find_ind_a = np.flatnonzero(ind_b==-1) ind_b = np.delete(ind_b, find_ind_a) ind_a = np.delete(ind_a, find_ind_b) self.coor_hop_x = np.zeros(self.sites) self.coor_hop_x[self.ind_a] = coor_ord_x[ind_a] self.coor_hop_x[self.ind_b] = coor_ord_x[ind_b] self.coor_hop_y = np.zeros(self.sites) self.coor_hop_y[self.ind_a] = coor_ord_y[ind_a] self.coor_hop_y[self.ind_b] = coor_ord_y[ind_b] center_x = sum(self.coor_hop_x)/self.sites center_y = sum(self.coor_hop_y)/self.sites self.coor_hop_x -= center_x self.coor_hop_y -= center_y
[docs]class tri_dislocation(graphene_flake): def __init__(self, sites_base, sites_cut=0, t_1=1., t_2=1., t_3=1., ext='png'): graphene_flake.__init__(self, t_1, t_2, t_3, ext=ext) self.sites_base = sites_base self.sites_cut = sites_cut len_x = 2*sites_base+3 # (+4+3) len_init_x = 2*sites_base self.sites_x = np.zeros(len_x, int) self.bonds_x = np.zeros(len_x, int) self.bonds_tot_x = np.zeros(len_x, int) self.sites_tot_x = np.zeros(len_x, int) self.sites_x[1: 2*sites_base: 2] = range(1, sites_base+1) self.sites_x[2: 2*sites_base: 2] = range(1, sites_base) self.sites_x[2*sites_base] = sites_base self.sites_x[2*sites_base+1] = sites_base self.sites_x[2*sites_base+2] = sites_base-1 for i in range(1, len_x): self.sites_tot_x[i] = np.sum(self.sites_x[1:i+1]) self.bonds_y = np.arange(sites_base) self.bonds_tot_y = np.array([np.sum(self.bonds_y[0:i+1]) for i in range(sites_base)]) print('Y BONDS') print(self.bonds_y) print(self.bonds_tot_y) print('X BONDS') self.bonds_x[1: 2*sites_base-2: 2] = np.arange(1, sites_base) self.bonds_x[2: 2*sites_base-1: 2] = np.arange(1, sites_base) self.bonds_x[2*sites_base-1] = sites_base self.bonds_x[2*sites_base] = sites_base self.bonds_x[2*sites_base+1] = self.bonds_x[2*sites_base-3] self.bonds_x[2*sites_base+2] = self.bonds_x[2*sites_base-2] print(self.bonds_x) self.bonds_tot_x = np.array([np.sum(self.bonds_x[0:i+1]) for i in range(2*sites_base-1)]) print(self.bonds_tot_x) self.sites = self.sites_tot_x[-1] self.sites_init = self.sites_tot_x[2*sites_base-1] self.coor_x = np.zeros(self.sites) self.coor_y = np.zeros(self.sites) y = 0 for i in range(len_init_x-1): self.coor_x[self.sites_tot_x[i]: self.sites_tot_x[i+1]] = \ self.dx*arange(1-self.sites_x[i+1], self.sites_x[i+1]+1./2, 2.) self.coor_y[self.sites_tot_x[i]: self.sites_tot_x[i+1]] = y y += .5 if i%2 == 0: y += .5 self.sites_disloc = self.sites_init+sites_base # dislocation self.coor_y[self.sites_init: self.sites_disloc] = y # - 1 + 1 self.coor_x[self.sites_init: self.sites_disloc: 2] = \ + self.dx*(1-self.sites_x[2*sites_base-1])+2*self.dx*np.arange(0, sites_base, 2)+0.5 self.coor_x[1+self.sites_init: self.sites_disloc: 2] = \ self.dx*(1-self.sites_x[2*sites_base-1])+2*self.dx*np.arange(0, sites_base, 2)+2*self.dx-0.5 y += self.dx for i in range(len_init_x, len_x-1): self.coor_x[self.sites_tot_x[i]: self.sites_tot_x[i+1]] = \ self.dx*arange(1-self.sites_x[i+1], self.sites_x[i+1]+1./2, 2.) self.coor_y[self.sites_tot_x[i]: self.sites_tot_x[i+1]] = y y += .5 if i%2 == 0: y += .5 self.rows_a = len(self.sites_tot_x[0::2])-1 self.rows_b = len(self.sites_tot_x[1::2]) #self.coor_y *= -1. center_x = sum(self.coor_x)/len(self.coor_x) self.coor_x -= center_x center_y = sum(self.coor_y)/len(self.coor_y) self.coor_y -= center_y self.get_indices() fig, ax = plt.subplots() fig.canvas.set_window_title('LATTICE') ax.set_xlim([np.min(self.coor_x)-2, np.max(self.coor_x)+2]) ax.set_ylim([np.min(self.coor_y)-2, np.max(self.coor_y)+2]) ax.set_aspect('equal') plt.plot(self.coor_x[self.ind_a], self.coor_y[self.ind_a], 'bo', markersize=8) plt.plot(self.coor_x[self.ind_b], self.coor_y[self.ind_b], 'ro', markersize=8)
[docs] def get_eig_lin_strain(self, strain=0, eig_vec=False): self.strain = strain # hoppings t_1 (along the y direction) ind_ham_y_a = np.zeros(self.bonds_tot_y[-1]) ind_ham_y_b = np.zeros(self.bonds_tot_y[-1]) self.hop_y = np.zeros(self.bonds_tot_y[-1]) for i in range(0, self.sites_base-1): ym_1 = 0.5*(self.coor_y[self.sites_tot_x[2*i]] + self.coor_y[self.sites_tot_x[2*i+1]]) print(i, 'i') ind_ham_y_a[self.bonds_tot_y[i]: self.bonds_tot_y[i+1]] = \ arange(self.sites_tot_x[2*i], self.sites_tot_x[2*i+1]) ind_ham_y_b[self.bonds_tot_y[i]: self.bonds_tot_y[i+1]] = \ arange(self.sites_tot_x[2*i+1], self.sites_tot_x[2*i+2]) self.hop_y[self.bonds_tot_y[i]:self.bonds_tot_y[i+1]] = \ self.t_1*(1.-0.5*strain*ym_1) # hoppings t_2 and t_3 (along the x direction) len_x = len(self.sites_tot_x)//2-1 ind_ham_x_a = np.zeros(self.bonds_tot_x[-1]) ind_ham_x_b = np.zeros(self.bonds_tot_x[-1]) self.hop_x = np.zeros(self.bonds_tot_x[-1]) for i in range(1, self.sites_base): xm_2 = 0.5*(self.coor_x[1+self.sites_tot_x[2*i]: self.sites_tot_x[2*i+1]] + self.coor_x[self.sites_tot_x[2*i-1]: self.sites_tot_x[2*i]]) xm_3 = 0.5*(self.coor_x[self.sites_tot_x[2*i]: self.sites_tot_x[2*i+1]-1] + self.coor_x[self.sites_tot_x[2*i-1]: self.sites_tot_x[2*i]]) ym = 0.5*(self.coor_y[self.sites_tot_x[2*i-1]]+self.coor_y[self.sites_tot_x[2*i]]) sc_t2 = -self.dx*xm_2-0.5*ym sc_t3 = self.dx*xm_3-0.5*ym ind_ham_x_a[self.bonds_tot_x[2*i-2]: self.bonds_tot_x[2*i-1]] = \ arange(self.sites_tot_x[2*i], self.sites_tot_x[2*i+1]-1) ind_ham_x_b[self.bonds_tot_x[2*i-2]: self.bonds_tot_x[2*i-1]] = \ arange(self.sites_tot_x[2*i-1], self.sites_tot_x[2*i]) self.hop_x[self.bonds_tot_x[2*i-2]: self.bonds_tot_x[2*i-1]] = \ self.t_3*(1.-0.5*strain*sc_t3) ind_ham_x_a[self.bonds_tot_x[2*i-1]: self.bonds_tot_x[2*i]] = \ arange(1+self.sites_tot_x[2*i], self.sites_tot_x[2*i+1]) ind_ham_x_b[self.bonds_tot_x[2*i-1]: self.bonds_tot_x[2*i]] = \ arange(self.sites_tot_x[2*i-1], self.sites_tot_x[2*i]) self.hop_x[self.bonds_tot_x[2*i-1]: self.bonds_tot_x[2*i]] = \ self.t_2*(1.-0.5*strain*sc_t2) iA = np.concatenate([ind_ham_x_a, ind_ham_x_b, ind_ham_y_a, ind_ham_y_b]) iB = np.concatenate([ind_ham_x_b, ind_ham_x_a, ind_ham_y_b, ind_ham_y_a]) hop = np.concatenate([self.hop_x, self.hop_x, self.hop_y, self.hop_y]) ham = sparse.csr_matrix((hop, (iA, iB)), shape=(self.sites_init, self.sites_init)) print(ham.todense()) print('solve the eigenvalue problem') if eig_vec: self.eig_ener, self.eig_vec = la.linalg.eigh(ham.toarray()) #self.eig_pola = \ #np.array([[self.ind_a, i], self.eig_vec[self.ind_a, i]) for i in range(self.sites)]) else: self.eig_ener = la.linalg.eigvalsh(ham.toarray())
[docs] def get_lin_strain_lims(self): """ Get the maximal negative and positive strain keeping the hoppings positive. """ y_m = 0.5*(self.coor_y[0]+self.coor_y[1]) strain_max_pos = +2./y_m - 1e-4 print(strain_max_pos) i = self.sites_base y_m = 0.5*(self.coor_y[self.sites_tot_x[2*i-1]]+self.coor_y[self.sites_tot_x[2*i]]) print(self.coor_y[self.sites_tot_x[2*i-1]], self.coor_y[self.sites_tot_x[2*i]]) strain_max_neg = +2./y_m + 1e-4 print('\nMaximal strain values keeping positive hoppings are between:') print(' ', strain_max_neg, ' ', strain_max_pos, '\n') return strain_max_neg, strain_max_pos
[docs]def hop_to_real_mw(hop): """ Get the sites position in real space from the hoppings. """ a = 4.5051e9 # GHz ga = 0.8287e3 # mm^{−1} de = 0.00584e9 # GHz return -2./ga*np.log((hop-de)/a) # Structured arrays (aka Record array) # np.recarray((2,), dtype=[('x', int), ('y', float), ('z', int)])
''' # A site vacancy (not at the center of mass) flake = tri_to_hexa_zz(14) strain_max_neg, strain_max_pos = flake.get_lin_strain_lims() flake.get_eig_lin_strain(strain=strain_max_pos, eig_vec=True, vacancy=True, row_vacancy=10) flake.plt_lattice(plt_bonds=False, save=True) flake.plt_spec(ener_lim=[-2.2, 2.2], nbr_bins=71, save=True) flake.get_states_selec(e_min=-0.05, e_max=0.05) flake.plt_states_selec(coef=100000., fontsize=20, plt_sites=True, plt_bonds=False, plt_axis=False, save=True) flake.get_states_selec(e_min=0.6, e_max=0.9) flake.plt_states_selec(coef=10000., fontsize=20, plt_sites=True, plt_bonds=False, plt_axis=False, save=True) flake.get_states_selec(e_min=0.9, e_max=1.3) flake.plt_states_selec(coef=100000., fontsize=20, plt_sites=True, plt_bonds=False, plt_axis=False, save=True) flake.get_states_selec(e_min=1.3, e_max=1.5) flake.plt_states_selec(coef=10000., fontsize=20, plt_sites=True, plt_bonds=False, plt_axis=False, save=True) flake.get_states_selec(e_min=1.5, e_max=1.7) flake.plt_states_selec(coef=100000., fontsize=20, plt_sites=True, plt_bonds=False, plt_axis=False, save=True) flake.get_states_selec(e_min=1.7, e_max=1.9) flake.plt_states_selec(coef=10000., fontsize=20, plt_sites=True, plt_bonds=False, plt_axis=False, save=True) flake.get_states_selec(e_min=1.9, e_max=2.) flake.plt_states_selec(coef=100000., fontsize=20, plt_sites=True, plt_bonds=False, plt_axis=False, save=True) flake.get_states_selec(e_min=2., e_max=2.1) flake.plt_states_selec(coef=10000., fontsize=20, plt_sites=True, plt_bonds=False, plt_axis=False, save=True) ''' # B site vacancy centered #i = 9 ''' flake = tri_to_hexa_zz(12) strain_max_neg, strain_max_pos = flake.get_lin_strain_lims() flake.get_eig_lin_strain(strain=strain_max_pos, eig_vec=True, vacancy=True, row_vacancy=9) flake.plt_lattice(plt_bonds=False, save=True) flake.plt_spec(ener_lim=[-2.5, 2.5], nbr_bins=51, save=True) flake.get_states_selec(e_min=-0.05, e_max=0.05) flake.plt_states_selec(coef=100000., fontsize=20, plt_sites=True, plt_bonds=False, plt_axis=False, save=True) flake.get_states_selec(e_min=0.9, e_max=1.4) flake.plt_states_selec(coef=100000., fontsize=20, plt_sites=True, plt_bonds=False, plt_axis=False, save=True) flake.get_states_selec(e_min=1.4, e_max=1.6) flake.plt_states_selec(coef=10000., fontsize=20, plt_sites=True, plt_bonds=False, plt_axis=False, save=True) flake.get_states_selec(e_min=1.6, e_max=1.8) flake.plt_states_selec(coef=100000., fontsize=20, plt_sites=True, plt_bonds=False, plt_axis=False, save=True) flake.get_states_selec(e_min=1.8, e_max=2.05) flake.plt_states_selec(coef=10000., fontsize=20, plt_sites=True, plt_bonds=False, plt_axis=False, save=True) flake.get_states_selec(e_min=2.05, e_max=2.2) flake.plt_states_selec(coef=100000., fontsize=20, plt_sites=True, plt_bonds=False, plt_axis=False, save=True) flake.get_states_selec(e_min=2.2, e_max=2.3) flake.plt_states_selec(coef=10000., fontsize=20, plt_sites=True, plt_bonds=False, plt_axis=False, save=True) ''' ''' # A site vacancy (not at the center of mass) flake = tri_to_hexa_zz(13) #i = 8 strain_max_neg, strain_max_pos = flake.get_lin_strain_lims() flake.get_eig_lin_strain(strain=strain_max_pos, eig_vec=True, vacancy=True, row_vacancy=8) flake.plt_lattice(plt_bonds=False, save=False) flake.plt_spec(ener_lim=[-2., 2.], nbr_bins=51) flake.get_states_selec(e_min=-0.05, e_max=0.05) flake.plt_states_selec(coef=100000., fontsize=20, plt_sites=True, plt_bonds=False, plt_axis=False, save=False) flake.get_states_selec(e_min=0.8, e_max=0.9) flake.plt_states_selec(coef=10000., fontsize=20, plt_sites=True, plt_bonds=False, plt_axis=False, save=False) flake.get_states_selec(e_min=0.9, e_max=1.3) flake.plt_states_selec(coef=100000., fontsize=20, plt_sites=True, plt_bonds=False, plt_axis=False, save=False) flake.get_states_selec(e_min=1.3, e_max=1.6) flake.plt_states_selec(coef=10000., fontsize=20, plt_sites=True, plt_bonds=False, plt_axis=False, save=False) flake.get_states_selec(e_min=1.6, e_max=1.7) flake.plt_states_selec(coef=100000., fontsize=20, plt_sites=True, plt_bonds=False, plt_axis=False, save=False) '''